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Departure into a new era with ASBRI

The basis of the Basic Scheme

The basic schema is a concept with which all processes can be completely described. Organizational processes are in the foreground.
This concept is based on the assumption that all change processes take place in a very specific way, which is called the Basic Function.
With this concept in mind, everyone can improve the implementation of the processes they have initiated and recognize the strengths and weaknesses of ongoing processes.

Every change takes place through the interaction of the following components:

[A] There is an occasion that triggers an abstract idea about the change process.
[S] There must be sources or things as a requirement for carrying out the process.
[B] Bonds of various types are needed to establish the conditions under which the change takes place.
[R] There is a reality that is in principle independent of us and that we want to change according to our ideas. Whether this really works has to be determined every time.
[I] The course of the change process does not take place automatically, it must be initiated, so that an interaction between the components can take place.

ASBRI thus designates the components of a Basic Function.

A very simple example of a Basic Function:

Thirst is quenched by a glass of water:

[A] The occasion is an increasing feeling of thirst, which causes an abstract desire for satiety.
[S] Tap water is available as a resource or source and a glass of water as a tool.
[B] Now relationships or bonds must be established, one between the empty glass and the tap of the water supply and then between the full glass and the mouth of the thirsty person.
[R] During the execution, everything should actually exist in reality as one had assumed at the beginning, because otherwise the result will look different than planned.
[I] Only when the successful implementation has taken place: hold the glass under the tap, open the flow, fill the glass, close the flow, bring the glass to the mouth and drink; only then is the process finished and the thirst has been quenched.
It is very helpful for everyone to keep this simple relationship of the Basic Function in mind when anything unplanned is to be done immediately.
If all five components can be fulfilled without any problems, then one can proceed with the project without hesitation.
If doubts arise about even one component, then consciously ask the question: "What could be the reason for this?" Only after this question has been answered and the procedure has been corrected, if necessary, should one begin with the execution.

This website contains a programme to support the implementation of complex tasks.

Everything is included in this web page. You can read the web page offline edit the source text with an external text editor. This allows you to shield your confidential planning from the outside world.
If you are not further interested in such a planning program, then at least take the presented recommendation with you on your further way: to briefly consider upcoming processes with the keyword ASBRI. May this tip be helpful to you from time to time, because many unpleasant experiences have their origin in avoidable, thoughtless actions.

An example of the Basic Scheme

Buying a new kitchen:

In this case, the Basic Function would not be sufficient as a planning template. Now an approach according to the Basic Scheme would be appropriate. The Basic Scheme consists of the Basic Function, where the individual components in turn consist of a Basic Function. This results in a nested sequence of components which are called Process Functions.
In the "Kitchen Purchasing" project, the interfaces at which the existing results of a Process Function are passed on to the subsequent Process Function would look as follows:

interface Intermediate status, result
concrete message: The baking oven and dishwasher are defective, the work surface is scorched in places and the design no longer matches the rest of the style of the house.
Correct Solution Approach: A new kitchen is needed.
Strategic Plan: A kitchen with features defined in several nights of discussion is to be purchased.
Tactical Plan: A kitchen will be purchased from the "rolling pin" kitchen studio, i.e. not borrowed or given as a gift.
Implemented Catalog of Measures: All items on the to-do list have been completed.
Recognizable Effects: The kitchen is unrecognizable...
Decreasing Focus: The kitchen housewarming party was a real highlight on the local party scene.
Liberating Distribution: Wife says: "We did that well."

After this introductory presentation, the following example will be presented: "Birthday planning" on the basis of the planning program.

Following this, you will find the complete Basic Scheme with explanations of the individual Detailed Functions and additionally an empty mask, which you can use for your first attempts.

An application example: "Birthday planning"

A simple example: A birthday is coming up, what do you want to do? This task can be expressed in one sentence::
How can one act so that for a fellow human with a gift joy arises?
Please click one after the other on the following text fields, which turn gray when you move the mouse over them. A reading window opens with additional texts that contain initial clues as to what the individual words of the sentence stand for.
You can close and move the reading window again and change its size in the lower right corner.
Clicking on  Memo Window  in the Reading Window opens the Memo Window, which can be used as a bookmark.
After clicking on a link, clicking on the button  Backlink  in the Reading Window will take you back to the source text.
Note: This website is optimized for the Firefox browser from version 52.
Other browsers may not have the same display options and functionality.

Process of giving:

Gift giving is a process that should bring joy to everyone involved.

When a question is placed at the beginning of a process, it is clear that the process is to be approached systematically. The question word "how" indicates that considerations are first made, which are then realized.
can one act so that

If "one" is addressed, then mostly "man oneself" or "woman herself" is meant. When giving a gift, one is directly asked as a person, because in giving relationships are in the foreground. Many relationships are predetermined by the situation in life, but most have to be built up and cultivated.
for a fellow human being

principle, "one" can give something to everyone. Realistically, however, this is not feasible and also unrealistic. For this reason, the person giving the gift chooses the group of recipients according to the existing relationships at his own discretion.
with a gift

"With a gift" refers to the principle method of giving. What can all be "a gift"? This question is at the center of the process: "giving". "Bringing joy" is brought about by the gift itself and the selection and presentation of the gift. The word "with" stands for the relationships that play an important role in giving.

"Joy" is always evoked by the result of an ongoing or completed process. Feeling joy is a very personal matter that is characterized by the fact that it does not diminish when it is shared with or passed on to others.

Before the end of the process of giving pleasure to a fellow human being through a gift, the actual reaction of the recipient is observed. With a little distance one can recognize well whether genuine joy was prepared or the joy shown was expressed rather dutifully.
The question: "Did you enjoy my present?" will certainly not go down well.

The question mark signals the desire for a response. From outside the process of giving a gift, the actual process was initiated with "How". With the question mark, the result of the process is to be returned in the form of an answer to the questioner, who stands outside of the process.
The additional texts for the individual words allow the assumption that certain areas of the "giving" process are addressed with the individual words.

The following line contains the Process Functions that fully describe the sequence of a change process, in this case "giving". The words that describe the process "giving" are assigned to the individual Process Functions. The additional texts contain references that provide additional information about the assignment.
Strand of Process Functions: [Pf]

The strand of process functions describes a complete flow of a change process. Each process function has as its name a function description consisting of two words, a noun and a verb in the infinitive. Orientation to a complete strand of the basic schema ensures that all aspects of a process are considered.
If a process function is inadequately considered, then there is a great danger that problems will arise at that very point that will interfere with an optimal process.
Determine the Circumstance [Ge1] zu: 'How'

The question word 'How' signals a request to tackle something. In the process of gift giving, this can be the concrete request to have a look at the birthday calendar. The Process Function 'Determine the Circumstance' describes this process in a very general way. The result would be the Concrete Message that a birthday of a certain fellow human being is coming up.
Give Instruction [Av2] for: 'can one act so that'

The upcoming birthday signals that something has to be done . The person giving the gift decides whether to give at all and what to give. This is primarily based on the relationship between the person giving the gift and the fellow human being who is to be given the gift. The relationship itself stands here in the foreground.
Select Procedure [Va3] for: 'for a fellow human being'

The specific gift must fit the fellow human being who is to be given a gift. To select a suitable gift, the giver must know the life situation and preferences of the fellow human being.
Use Resources [Me4] for: 'with a gift'

After a suitable gift has been selected, it must be produced or procured, i.e. it must be real available. The gift is nicely wrapped and is appropriately and appropriately handed over to the birthday child.
Effecting Reality Change [Re5] for: 'joy'

Joy arises not only with the recipient, but also with the person giving the gift. A relationship is changed, re-established or deepened. Giving is a kind of catalyst for the creation of interpersonal relationships.
Perform Control Measurement [Kd6] for: 'arises'

When one brings joy, the result is usually obviously recognizable. But you can also be wrong. Therefore, it is sometimes useful to make sure that the present was actually a joy. Nobody likes to check, but it is necessary to avoid recurring mistakes.
Cormmunicate Outcome [Ek7] for: 'question mark'

The process that has taken place has answered the question of "how" by the process that actually took place and has thus fulfilled its task. The question mark allows all participants to exchange beyond the actual process of 'giving joy'. The process that has taken place can be seen in other contexts. For example, a new birthday party can be planned, an invitation can be made or only the memory of common, similar experiences can be evoked.
The above illustrations: "Process of giving" and "Strand of Process Functions", each represent a "Basic Structure" which can be understood on its own without additional information. The following illustration is a "Supplementary Structure" that extends the Basic Structure "Strand of Process Functions" by special aspects. In this case, these are aspects derived from the Basic Scheme that can be taken into account when selecting a gift and designing a ceremonial handover. Reference is made to the previous explanations of the Process of gift giving und the Strand of Process Functions.
The above compilation of aspects, based on excerpts of the basic scheme, is not easy to understand, as it does not follow any known model. It might be best to save this web page locally and read it offline. You can go backwards and forwards and criss-cross, as the content is largely prepared in matrix form.
The included references and the backlink in the reading window and the  back link  in the reading window and the  memo link  in the memo window support this procedure.
Note, this EStkRoot element is invisible, it is only required for the correct construction of the structure.
This line contains the starting points for subdivisions of the basic schema, which are used to describe the aspects in more detail.

They are starting points for certain strands that run through the basic schema from beginning to end or for process functions that break down a certain situation in the flow of the basic schema. By selecting these breakdowns, we try to obtain descriptions that are as complete as possible, because the strands and process functions are coherent and complete in themselves.
This would be the starting point for more detailed information on "How" und "Determine the Circumstance". These aspects precede the process of giving and should therefore not be analyzed further.
consider different type of relationship ➔
Process Strand [PSu]

The process strand represents a complete development process. One can view the establishment of a relationship as a development process that begins with a given instruction. According to this view, relationships can be sorted by their level of development.

Relationships that are at the beginning of a process result in a loose relationship with little effort for long-term existence. Relationships that have grown over the long term, on the other hand, have in principle gone through all stages of development and can therefore be found at the end of a process.
Input Variable [P00u]
A kind of bond can arise with unknown people if they are members of a group for which the recipient has special sympathies [P00r]. This closeness is brought about by a largely anonymous communication process [P00a].
Occasion [P01u]
Collective solidarity, e.g. compatriot societies, class affiliation

This sense of attachment is formed by a mix of real circumstances and an individual assessment.

It is hoped that this bond will provide support [P01r] with group-specific problems [P01a].
Target Definition [P04u]
Acquaintances are persons from the social environment with whom mutually desired [P04r] contacts are maintained in a generally accepted form [P04a].
Specify the Use of Resources [P07u]
Interest groups are formed by a joint action of a group of people who have come together for tactical reasons [P07a] in order to pursue common interests more efficientl [P07r] than individuals.
Realise Use of Resources [P10u]
Collegial relationships result from a given environment that was selected in the past [P10a] and which subsequently largely eludes direct influence [P10r].
Affected Reality [P13u]
Friendships are long-term, voluntarily formed, and established relationships. They require consistent implementation [P13r] in order to be able to persist [P13a] in the long term.
New Reality [P16u]
A family togetherness arises from the parent-child relationships that have arisen in the past and exist continuously [P16r]. The peculiarity of these relationships is that they can only be ended by a family member in behavior [P16a], but not in reality.
Output Variable [P17u]
A lifelong bond knows no premature end and therefore also no evaluation of the process that has elapsed [P17r] and no corresponding communication [P17a] .
In contrast to a [relationship between unknown peoplen], which is based on a largely anonymous communication process, here closeness is shaped by individual communication.
Basic motivation of the recipient ➔
in the sequence of the process functions [Pf]

The selection of a suitable gift can be based on the basic motivation of the recipient. It is impossible to actually recognize the basic motivation of a fellow human being. Here the expanded, general human needs hierarchy of Abraham Maslow is used to offer initial clues for the selection of suitable gifts.

It is interesting that the individual levels of the hierarchy of needs can be fully assigned to the Process Functions of the Basic Scheme while maintaining the order. This is not surprising, because development processes are described in each case. All of this never stands up to scientific scrutiny, but also does not stand in the way of your own explorations.
Determine the Circumstance [Ge1]
Transcendence needs:
It represents a spiritual need with the aim of being in harmony with the cosmos.

This need examines the question of what were the starting requirements [S00u] for the previous curriculum vitae, which can therefore be assigned to a previous or a higher-level process.
The exciting question here is: Are the given preconditions freely available or are consideration expected? [S00r].
Suggested literature:
from the area of the abstract parts of starting requirements [S00a]:
blank notebook, esoteric literature
Give Instruction [Av2]
Need for Self-actualization:
By using and developing one's own potential, personal responsibility, independence, free choice, etc. should be made possible.

It is generally assumed that wisdom and life experience [S02u] are primarily required for self-realization.
With this equipment one should be able to consider the totality [S02r] of influencing factors for upcoming processes in order to make correct decisions.
Suggested literature:
from the field of laws of nature, general knowledge [S02a]:
scientific literature, biographies
Select Procedure [Va3]
Aesthetic, Cognitive, Esteem needs :
Self-respect and the appreciation of others should be achieved. The prerequisite for this is the fulfillment of cognitive needs: needs for knowledge, understanding and novelty.

Social recognition is primarily achieved through knowledge [S05u] about problem solutions. Appreciation is given to those who exemplify socially accepted values from the multitude of alternatives [S05r].
Suggested literature:
from the field of knowledge [S05a]:
Nonfiction books, guidebooks for specific subject areas
Use Resources [Me4]
Love and social belonging needs:
These are needs for togetherness, bonding, to love and to be loved.

Real available options [S08u] in the social environment must be tested and lived.
Characteristics [S08r] can be used to identify groups to which membership and the resulting transfer of special group characteristics are sought.
Suggested literature:
from the area of information [S08a]:
Entertainment literature, periodicals on current affairs.
Effecting Reality Change [Re5]
Safety needs:
The existence of orderly and manageable life circumstances is considered a prerequisite for a stress-free life.

The current reality [S11u] is in the foreground and measures are taken to prevent any deviations [S11r] from the desired living conditions.
Suggested literature:
from the field of data collection [S11a]:
Advice for everyday problems, reference works
Perform Control Measurement [Kd6]
Physiological needs:
As long as these basic needs such as food, health, sexuality are not met, it is abnormal and unrealistic to strive to meet other needs.

The only goal in this situation is to reach a satisfactory state [S14r] that makes it unnecessary to compare the situation with another one. [S14u].
Suggested literature:
from the field of signal sequence [S14a]: picture books, savings book :-)))
Cormmunicate Outcome [Ek7]
without needs?:
Could it be that there is a level of needs below the physiological needs, which is below the base of the pyramid of needs?

If one follows the logic of the Basic Scheme with the series of Process Functions used here, then one must seek an answer with the help of this Process Function.
Since the process has already been completed in this Process Function, only abstractly formulated retrospectives can be available or prepared. The only question is, who feels responsible for this and has the necessary overview?
Gift properties➔
Process Function: Use Resources [Me4]

The main aspects of gifts and handover can be derived from this Process Function, because this Process Function describes the transition from the more abstract to the more real world and thus all the requirements for the resources, in this case the gifts, to make this transition work well.
Trigger the Use of Resources (forceful) [B09u]
Who should hand over the gift?
Characteristic (specific) [B09r]
Does the specific gift meet the selected, specific characteristics?
Indicator (valid) [B09a]
Does the gift demonstrate the desired, intrinsic values?
Specify the Use of Resources [P07u]
Is everything done so that the gift is actually available on time?
Efficient Procedure [P07r]
What is the level of effort required by the gift giver?
Strategic Plan (what) [P07a]
How extensive will the involvement or effort be for the recipient?
Realise Use of Resources [P10u]
How should the gift be handed over?
Effective Impact [P10r]
Is the giver aware of the fact that the decisive reaction to the gift lies entirely with the recipient?
Implemented Catalog of Measures [P10a]
Is it advisable to create a to-do list and work through it systematically?
Real Available Options [S08u]
How high can the value of the gift be in relation to the capabilities of the giver?
Feature (concise) [S08r]
Which class, group or genus should the gift belong to?
Information (relevant) [S08a]
Is the amount of knowledge gathered about the recipient [type of relationship] and [basic motivation] sufficient to choose a appropriate gift?
Joy ➔
Process Function: Effecting Reality Change [Re5]

Joy arises in the recipient when conscious or unconscious wishes have been made come true by the gift.

In the process flow, joy primarily arises directly after the gift has been given. The most important aspects in this situation are contained in the Process Function 'Effecting Reality Change'. That is why it was chosen to represent the different expressions of joy.
Counteract Interference [B12u]
Joy that possibly existing disturbance variables have been eliminated
Dimension [B12r]
Joy that the gift fits exactly (is right)
Scale [B12a]
Joy that needs have been correctly identified (reliable)
Realise Use of Resources [P10u]
Joy about what actually happened
Affected Reality [P13u]
Joy about new situation
Difference [S11r]
Joy about a new surprise (should be significantly new)
Data Collection [S11a]
Joy about confirmation of existing ideas (remains consistent)
arise ➔
Process Function: Perform Control Measurement [Kd6]

The factors that determine the success or failure of gifts result from the execution of the entire process, which is addressed with the verb 'arise' angesprochen wird.
Properties of actions are not obvious and therefore difficult to depict. It is advisable to orientate oneself in the description of the framework in which the action takes place. Such a frame is provided by the Process Function 'Perform Control Measurement'. In this case it includes the complete situation after the gift delivery.
Measure Result (acceptable) [B15u]
This Detailed Function includes the sequence of the recipient's perception regarding the value of the gift:
First of all, the recipient must be able to accept the gift at all, he must acknowledge it as a gift.
Peculiarity (traceable) [B15r]
In addition, the gift must not be completely unexpected for the recipient. It must be obvious to the recipient why the giver chose the specific gift selected for him or her.
Value (objective) [B15a]
Finally, the value of the gift must be objectively comprehensible for the recipient in order to avoid any suspicion that the gift might be part of a list strategy.
Affected Reality [P13u]
This detailed function describes the situation during the gift delivery. The normal daily routine is intentionally interrupted in a pleasant way. This is received positively by everyone involved and viewed as a kind of gift.
Consistent Implementation [P13r]
A positive impression is only created when the celebration is something special. This is not a matter of course, but can only be brought about through a certain commitment and dedication.
Recognizable Effects [P13a]
If a birthday party is well done, it will be remembered for a long time by everyone involved.
New Reality [P16u]
This Detailed Function describes the situation after the gift has been handed over. Essentially, a sense of community and togetherness was confirmed.
Sustainable State [P16r]
The positive mood should last until the next birthday without any further action. That is not a matter of course. This aspect is also taken into account in a well-planned birthday party.
Decreasing Focus [P16a]
Despite the long-lasting positive mood, the memory of the birthday party must be able to take a back seat, so that everyday life can regain the upper hand without any disgruntlement.
Accessible Measuring Range [S14u]
In this Detailed Function, the conditions are created to record the quality of the bond between the person giving the gift and the person receiving the gift. In general, the gift and the ceremonial handover reaffirmed the mutual basis of trust and made it transparent. In this case, the basis of trust represents the measurement range.
State (unambiguous) [S14r]
A suitable, empathetic gift can serve to remove any ambiguities about the existing relationship and to establish an undoubtedly friendly relationship.
Signal Sequence (selective) [S14a]
Based on a newly affirmed, friendly relationship, "critical" statements, for example, can now be made. It can now be assumed that they reach the recipient with the right intention or are interpreted correctly.
Process Function: Cormmunicate Outcome [Ek7]

Here, without further details, reference is made only to this, where the most important aspects are presented.

The following scheme analyzes the selected gifts of various birthday guests for Otto, who celebrates his 50th birthday. Everything is fictitious and serves only to illustrate the relationships presented.

In this line are the names of the birthday boy "Otto" and the names of the birthday guests
  • Anton
  • Samuel
  • Berta
  • Richard
  • Ida
listed, which were selected according to the German spelling table.
The column under "Otto" contains his characteristics and preferences for the various aspects of a gift.
The columns of the birthday guests contain the specific arrangements of the different aspects of their gift.
In this line the names of the specifically selected and given gifts are listed.
This first column lists the various aspects of a gift that are specified in the column of a gift.
The sum of the evaluations of the individual gifts shows that Otto had a nice birthday party.
Here could be additionally the final result of numerically calculated single results of control measurements. To pick apart a birthday party with mathematical-statistical methods and to judge it accordingly, however, would be somewhat inappropriate!
Otto celebrates his 50th birthday
Is someone from the big family, that everyone likes.
He loves his football club more than anything and is a coach there.
He will also be happy to receive a gift that will subsequently cost him time, since he is apparently not quite busy.
He is accurate and reliable and is happy when others appreciate this quality.
Otto has a rather skeptical attitude.
If he trusts someone , he's a real buddy to them.
Overall, Otto is a sociable contemporary.
Guest Anton
is a 10 year old nephew
A postcard signed in his presence by Jogi Löw, who was a famous coach of the German national soccer team.
Anton sees his uncle as a buddy who shares his ideas and preferences.
Anton may be a soccer fan and may play soccer himself. Otto is a role model worthy of imitation for Anton and correctly assesses his uncle with his basic social motivation.
With his gift, Anton wants to encourage Otto's fondness for football. The signed postcard is well suited for this.
Otto is happy that his nephew assesses him correctly.
Otto notices that the postcard means a lot to Anton and knows how to appreciate that.
Otto trusts Anton, who may take him as a role model.
The gift fits very well.
Guest Samuel
is a classmate from the past.
A gift box of extremely ancient whiskey. Whiskey means: "water of life".
The gift is a typical friendship present from seasoned men.
With this gift, the need to create value could be addressed.
Drinks are gifts that are gladly shared, which characterizes a friendship.
Otto is not only happy about the drink of whiskey itself, but that Samuel also appreciates the anticipated fireside hours together.
Otto feels flattered that his friend has chosen such a valuable brand quality for him.
The whisky is emptied with relish in joint carousing and discussion panels.
The whisky is a real friendship gift.
Guest Berta
Wife of a couple who are friends
a book: "The vintage makes it or the power of the vintage".
The couple know each other from a dance circle.
The book is intended to motivate Otto, with a twinkle in ones eye, to take an interest in new subjects.
The book gift is surprising, for Otto as the couple has never provoked Otto in this regard before.
The gift reveals a desire for continued friendship.
An existing trust is not further deepened with the book, which is possibly also not intended.
The gift fits and Otto is delighted with the affirmed friendship.
Guest Richard
is a neighbor from across the street serenading with other neighbors.
a gift basket put together by the whole neighborhood
A functioning neighborhood consists not only of acquaintances but can also be a interest group.
The gift does not take into account any of Otto's basic motivations.
This "commonplace gift" expresses that the neighbors deliberately disregard Otto's peculiarities and circumstances.
The neighbors picked themselves up and did something together.
A particularly successful handover ennobles the commonplace gift.
The well done gift presentation confirms Otto's image of the good neighborly relationship.
The nice gesture of the neighbors was well received by Otto.
Guest Ida
wife of Otto

The line above and the corresponding lines in this column are used for a function that can be called up in the 'Functions selection menu' under
[40  Add up numbers contained in a structure run].
a joint vacation trip
1 2 -1
to the Virgin Islands
A major vacation trip
1 3 -1
for two is made only by people who are very familiar with each other.
The gift is independent of
1 4 -1
Otto's basic motivation and always fits, because everyone enjoys traveling.
There is a lot of involvement required.
1 5 -1
The anticipationis in the foreground for the first time
6 1 -1
because Otto cannot yet see everything else.
The holiday destination and the circumstances around it
7 1 -1
must objectively match the couple Ida and Otto and must not deviate too far from the usual framework.
The gift connects
880 1 -1
the spouses. It is not only celebrated Otto but also Ida. She is thus making herself a gift.
It is a "double-use gift".
9 1 -1

The following scheme shows the hierarchy of gift properties.

Structure of the main characteristics of gifts
Intangible design
[BSr] Bond Strand with relevant relationships are in the foreground
abstract relationship: symbolic gift
[B00r] Real Parts of Starting Conditions, as the importance of a relationship is in the foreground
only greeting or congratulation
[B03r] specific situation is in the foreground, as an existing relationship is strengthened
redeemable gift voucher
[B06r] partial quantity is in the foreground, since from a total quantity can be selected
self-created gift promise
[B09r] characteristic is in the foreground, because a special, real gift is promised
personal relationship: service gift
[B12r] dimension is in the foreground, since a given reality change must be correct
with participation of the recipient
[B15r] The peculiarity is in the foreground, since the recipient experiences the gift directly and thus comprehensibly
without the participation of the recipient
[B17r] end conditions are in the foreground, since the result of a process is in the foreground
material gifts
[SSr] the Source Strand with the real and intended circumstances is in the foreground
anonymously produced
[S00r] firmly planned availability of a gift is in the foreground
mass-produced goods
[S02r] totality, since an extensive selection possibility stands in the foreground
small series
[S05r] alternative, because exclusivity is in the foreground
individually manufactured
[S08r] feature, as a certain unique specimen is in the foreground
made by a professional
[S11r] difference, since a special design is in the foreground
[S14r] State, because a clearly assignable expenditure of time is in the foreground
already existing
[S17r] real circumstances of previous processes are in the foreground
050 br1950 This is the RootObject of a specific SupplementaryStructure (ESkt).
The total cost of the gifts is calculated by clicking here.
Berta: a book
Samuel: ancient whisky
Richard: a gift basket

At the end of the small expert system
"How can you bring joy with a gift?

A poem by Erich Kästner, slightly modified:

Hinz came running to Kunz for advice.
"What does a father give his son?"
Kunz suggested buying him a book, that would be nice.
"A book? Oh, no. He already has one."

From: Die kleine Freiheit, 1949

Have fun and gain valuable insights while dealing with the Basic Schema!

If you would like to further develop and use the ASBRI® form for your own purposes, please contact us by e-mail: info(at)

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[Z2] (a2) Title of the document in the form of an Extended Basic Function:
Initial presentation of the basic schema for interested readers to expand their knowledge.

The title of the document appears here
and additional information about the document.

The title can ideally describe an Extended Basic Function with the Sub-Functions: Directive, Abstraction, Source, Interaction, Bond, Reality and External.
Assignments of the sentence components of the current title to the Sub-Functions::

Directive:  Initial
Abstraction:     presentation
Source:  of the Basic Scheme
Interaction:  for
Bond:  interested readers   
Reality:  for extension
External:  of their knowledge.

Here information can be given about the current status of the project and the project progress, and additional information about the current Marking Objects can be noted.
Marker Objects are ASBRI elements that have a special meaning, for example: 'last edited' and an agreed background color or frame width. These creative markings are created by entering the corresponding class attribute in the class list of the ASBRI element.

current feature of a Detailed Function class attributecolor class attribute
The detailed functions currently being processed areyellowyellowObj
The detailed functions currently being planned are blueblueObj
The detail function that indicates the current status of the project greengreenObj
Detailed functions with important, completed content are silversilverObj
Detail functions that currently require preferential processing bright redbrightredObj
The one detail function that is to be used for the next processing operation has one thick black frameblackObj

The marking objects can be found very easily in the source text by searching for the respective class attributes.

[Rb] (a3)
The Realms of Reality:

The basic concept divides the world perceptible to us into two quite different realms: The More Abstract und The More Reale Realm.

The more abstract area includes images of reality in a wide variety of forms of representation. The more real area represents the material world, which is independent of humans or was created by humans as part of reality. In the transitional area in between, both worlds are present without mixing.
Initial thoughts on a planned project or a change process can be entered in this line of the basic diagram. At best, these considerations should provide a complete overview of the project and thereby enable a delimitation from aspects outside the project.
If these entries are not changed in the course of the project, then they can be used as a starting point for an assessment of the results actually achieved in the course of the process.

[Ra] (a4)
The More Abstract Realm

The [Ra] The More Abstract Realm represents the abstract world in the Basic Scheme and includes our own ideas and experiences and the representations of other people about their view of the real world.

The more abstract realm is always based on cognitive processes. One tries to connceptually simplify the perceived reality in order to obtain a model with which the reality can be illustrated or compared under various prerequisites and conditions. The simplest models are function descriptions and colloquially consist of two words, a noun and a verb in the infinitive, for example:
  • Make coffee,
  • Boil water,
  • Apply sunscreen,
  • Wash the car.
These function descriptions do not specify any concrete embodiments, but only define the expected result indirectly. In subsequent steps, the functions are asssigned real activities that are based on the real given circumstances.
For an initial project description, the most important aspects can be entered here in colloquial form, which, based on the present occasion, make the successful implementation of a project seem likely or unlikely.
These considerations from a higher-level perspective serve as motivation to start a project against all doubts at all. With an orderly approach, it will usually become clear very quickly, with little use of resources, whether it is necessary to abandon the project. The experience gained in this way is worth a lot and cannot be collected in any other way.

[Ru] (a5)
The Transitional Realm

In the [Ru] The Transitional Realm, the implementation of the model-like ideas from the More Abstract Realm takes place.

The Transitional Realm is at the centre of the Basic Scheme. This is where the implementation of the model-like ideas from the More Abstract Realm takes place. Activities are carried out to influence reality according to the planning with the available means. The transition is not continuous and the two realms do not overlap. Therefore, reallity can only be changed with real means.
In the first project description, the basic procedure for implementing the ideas can be entered here. Often clever, cunning or clever approaches are planned.
If very innovative and sensitive aspects are written down at all, this could be done here. To use the ASBRI Form, apart from a simple text editor and a modern browser, no other resources and, in particular, no internet connection are required.
The ASBRI Form is a pure text file that contains only displayable ASCII characcters. Functional configurations are carried out exclusively on the basis of JavaScript, whereby the functions are completely contained in the ASBRI Form in largely comprehensible plain text. The user only needs a basic knowledge of the structure of HTML files.
The ASBRI Form contains the sample application: "The process of giving" as an introduction. At the end, an empty Basic Structure is offered for starting your own application. The user can fill the sub-functions with his or her ideas and redesign them with appropriate knowledge. An external text editor such as 'SciTE' is required for this.
For these reasons, the ASBRI Form is ideal for recording and managing confidential matters.

[Rr] (a6)
The More Real Realm

In the [Rr] The More Real Realm, processes are constantly runnning that cause changes or that have currently come to a standdstill and that we can only influence through the use of means.

The [Rr] More Real Realm is subject to a perpetual change. The underlying principles cannot be changed. Human action can initiate, stop and control processes of change. The resulting effects will not always bring about the deesired changes. A systematic approach can reduce the existing uncertainties.
In the case of an initial project description, the aspects that are relevant to the reality of the project can be specified here before the start of the project and after the end of the project.
These are naturally only more or less subjective observations and wishful thinking, which may prove to be true or unrealistic in the course of the process. In any case, they provide a benchmark for later assessments.

[Bf] (a7) Extended
Basic Function with
Partial Functions = Tfkt

The Basic Function describes the basic mode of operation of a change process. The extensions concern the input and output to superordinated or adjacent processes.

principle: The Basic Function describes a change process within the scope of a Basic Scheme with five Sub-Functions and the transitions to the environment of the change process. The Sub-Functions contain all the main features of the change process. Only the functional relationships are shown regardless of the speecific chronological sequence. This fundamentally distinguishes the Basic Function from the Process Functions and the Detailed Functions.
The extensions concern the transitions to the environment of the change process and are represented by the Sub-Functions [D] Direktive and [E] External.
pragmatic: The results of initial research and simulation games can be entered in this line of the Basic Scheme. The result is intended to illustrate a scenario. If comprehensible aspects have been compiled for each Sub-Function, then one can assess for oneself whether the project seems consistent and feasible.
This assessment is based on the knowledge that the complete list of Sub-Functions also describes a complete change process. It should be noted that most likely only those who are familiar with a functional way of working can properly appreciate this compilation.
Information on the specific implementation should not be included here. The Process Functions and the Detailed Functions are intended for the inclusion of detailed specifications. This approach has the advantage that an information on a concrete embodiment almost inevitably gets a suitable place in the Basic Scheme. This increases the chance of a successful implementation.

[D] (a8) Directive = Tfkt

As a [D] Directive everything is understood that comes from the environment and influences the current circumstance.

principle: A [D] Directive is perceived as a request to create a new state of equilibrium from an existing imbalance. The [D] Directive may have been created artificially within the context of another process or may result from changed environmental conditions.
pragmatic: If an external authority issues an order to a contractor in the form of an input variable, then the requirements must be comprehensible and the resources required for the change process must be made available. These relationships can be shown here in a compressed form.
If changed environmental conditions are perceived as a request to initiate change processes, then it is useful to formulate the relevant relationships at this point. Assessments should be avoided as much as possible, because this usually requires non-obvious information which is not available at the beginning.

[A] (a9) Abstraction = Tfkt

The Sub-Function [A] Abstraction contains the entire mental and planning preparation of a [D] Directive, which leads into a practical implementation.

principle: The starting point for the start of a change process is the fact that one's 'own pressure to suffer' has become greater than one's 'own inertia'.This is also the central point on which all actions in the Sub-Function [A] Abstracction are based. Everything aims to initiate a process that is intended to create a 'new equilibrium' in 'one's own circumstance'.
pragmatic: Based on the input variables, the existing conditions and the intended purpose, an idea is first developed of how a solution to the identified problem could take shape. The basic possibilities are compiled. Here, the limits of what is feasible are defined and a practicable solution is worked out. A good criterion for evaluation might be: 'This could be feasible!'.

[S] (a10) Source = Tfkt

[S] Source are all 'conceivable means' or resources that are needed to bring about changes.

principle: By overcoming 'binding forces' a part of the stock of 'process energy' is extracted, which is then available as 'breaking energy'. The 'own circumstance' is broken up against 'binding forces' with a part of the 'process energy' in order to enable changes.
pragmatic: By [S] Source all conceivable material means or resources are understood. As a requirement for achieving the target, a stock of material means is needed in order to be able to influence and transform circumstances. In the planning phase, the required material means are identified as realistically as possible and are actually available in the implementation phase.

[I] (a11) Interaction = Tfkt

Through [I] Interaction, the various Detailed Functions of a Process Function are coordinated in order to create a common effect.

principle: The [I] Interaction realizes a Basic Function or an Extended Basic Function, The [I] Interaction causes:
pragmatic: All internal processes influence each other. This requires an end-to-end process control that will use the necessary competences and resources to control and activate or block sub-processes. The [I] Interactions that take place in a concrete process are often difficult to comprehend. As a rule, the changes that have taken place can only be seen in a comparison between an initial and final state. For this reason, it is advisable to only note change processes at this point that are to be carried out according to a definitive and comprehensible scheme.

[B] (a12) Bond = Tfkt

[B] Bonds are based on behavior and [S] Source are based on resources. Every circumstance is a combination of these aspects. In change processes, not only the [S] Source / resources but also the existing [B] Bonds / behavior / methods are changed.

principle: The 'foreign circumstance' is broken open against 'binding forces' with another part of the 'process energy' in order to make changes possible. In this way, an existing [B] network of relationships within a circumstance is changed. The 'own circumstance' is then brought into connection with the 'foreign circumstance' in order to bring about a new 'own circumstance'. This also requires 'process energy'.
pragmatic: The use of material resources takes place within the framework of relationships between circumstance. Certain circumstances have to be established so that the use of funds achieves the planned effects and results. In doing so, existing and emerging resistances are reduced and existing weaknesses and desires for change are exploited.
The planned procedures for the successive steps can be listed here. Functional descriptions can be used for this, supplemented by the resources used, the specific characteristics of the procedure and the partial results to be achieved.

[R] (a13) Reality = Tfkt

The [R] Reality represents that part of the influenced and the new reality that is touched by the ongoing change process.

principle: One's own stock of 'process energy' has decreased. The ''own circumstance'' is explored to determine whether a ''new equilibrium'' has been established despite a decrease in the stock of one's own ''source''. Likewise, the 'other circumstance' is explored to determine whether unexpected 'counter-reactions' are taking place.
pragmatic: When there is a change in reality, the actual events that take place are usually not fully known. This uncertainty cannot be eliminated completely. Therefore, observations and measurements are required to locate disturbance variables and to illustrate the process result for external instances.
The first ideas about the design of the result measurement can be recorded here. It is particularly important to ensure that the influenced characteristics of the relevant circumstances are actually recorded and measured. It is quite difficult. One display option is to make the features to be measured recognizable by delimiting them from neighboring features that are not to be measured.

[E] (a14) External = Tfkt

[E] External represents the relevant environment for the completed process from an external point of view.

Activities take place that deal with the consequences that go beyond the internal changes of the expired process. This includes passing on the prepared results to external instances or to further processes.

[Pf] (a15) Process
= Pfkt

The list of [Pf] Process Functions in the standard, idealized time sequence.

principle: The seven Process Functions together form the Basic Scheme. Each Process Function has a specific functionality and comprises several Detailed Functions. The Detailed Functions in the Process Strand are shared by neighboring detailed functions and thus represent the transitions as inputs and outputs between neighboring Process Functions. The Detailed Functions in the Bond Strand and in the Source Strand provide special relationships to the environment.
principle: The Basic Table of the Basic Scheme is structured as a matrix. The individual rows each only occupy one level. The arrangement of the columns follows a recognizable pattern, which is not continuous, because the cells in the Process Strand are offset from the other two lines. The Detailed Functions that are completely or partially below a Process Function are assigned to this Process Function. This set of Detailed Functions determined in this way together make up the Process Function. The Process Function includes the functionality of the Basic Function [I] Interaction. Thus no Detailed Functions are intended, which would be responsible for the functionality of the Interaction.
pragmatic: In this line of the Basic Scheme, the main functional features of the current project can be entered in their principal, chronological order. The detailed functions within a Process Function are directly related to one another and the progress of a process is achieved through their interaction. In this way, a brief description of the current operation is obtained, which can also be understood by people who are not familiar with the Basic Scheme. The sequence of work steps in the form of a project process is understandable for everyone, because this corresponds to the usual and largely intuitive procedure.
During the course of the process, additional entries in text form or as links can be made in the Process Functions, which record the interaction of the Detailed Functions involved from a higher-level perspective.
In addition: In the five middle Process Functions, the relevant phases of change or action qualities of "the Five Elements Theory" are entered without further comment.
Additionally: The Basic Scheme contains all elements of the Standard Control Loop:
  • The five middle Process Functions represent the areas of the Control Loop.

  • The five Main Detailed Functions in the middle of the Bond Strand contain the elements of the Control Loop that trigger processes.

  • The seven central Main Detailed Functions of the Process Strand contain the various values that are taken into account, determined or passed on.

  • The five middle Main Detailed Functions of the Source strand contain the substantial design of a Control Loop in the form of devices and facilities.
The relevant Main Detailed Functions each contain a keyword or a brief description on the subject of the Standard Control Loop at the end after 'Standard Control Loop:'.
You can color them gray in the "Functions selection menu" with the selection "36" and thus make them recognizable.

[Ge1] (a16) = Pfkt
Determine the
Given Circumstance

The circumstances surrounding the upcoming process are actively identified and interpreted.

principle: This process function represents the interface between the environment with its circumstances and the process. The relevant environmental conditions from the actor's point of view are perceived and interpreted. Actor' stands for all persons accompanying a process. Process' stands for all types of operations that cause changes. If circumstances can be identified that suggest the start of a process, then these aspects are defined as the occasion for the start of a process.
pragmatic: The modality is in the foreground here, the pressure with which a change must or should be made, etc. The pressure to change represents a personal feeling of the actor. If several people are affected by the pressure to change, then it must be presented and supported with the most objective facts so that other people can understand it. However, a final decision as to whether a process is started is not yet made in this process function.

[Av2] (a17) = Pfkt Give

By means of the interaction between occasion, wisdom, natural laws and given purposes, a scenario is created and from this a strategy for further action.

principle: In this process function, an abstract description of the tasks to be solved is created based on an occasion. Thereby, the concrete occasion, the existing requirements and the conditions to be created are taken into account and balanced with each other as best as possible. The result is the non-starting of a process or the announcement of the specifications that are binding for the subsequent Process Functions.
pragmatic: Very different and often competing perspectives on the upcoming process will be associated with each other. There are scarcely rules for handling these interactions, because here, in addition to the requirements of the upcoming process, the personal interests of the people and institutions involved are intermingled. The only rule is that it is very useful to have the results written down in the form of a binding, strategic plan.
Standard control loop: comparison element in the control device
Five-element-teaching / five phases of change:
wood | | Departure, development of an impulse to act, expansion, rising

[Va3] (a18) = Pfkt

Through the interaction of Knowledge about Problem Solutions and the existing specifications, decisions about tactical procedures are made.

principle: After the 'WHAT' was defined in the previous Process Function, the 'HOW' is now defined. In contrast to the previous Process Function, extensive prior knowledge and many methods are available for this. The concrete usable material resources and qualifications of the actors involved are decisive for determining the further course of action. The details of this are recorded in a tactical plan.
pragmatic: The present strategic plan cannot be changed or ignored. Tactical planning must operate within this framework. If suitable expertise is available, then several alternatives are usually available. The decision for an alternative is made in an independent Detailed Function according to defined rules in order to exclude extraneous influences as best as possible.
Standard control loop: control element in the control device
Five-element-teaching / five phases of change:
fire | huó | Design, dynamic phase, action

[Me4] (a19) = Pfkt

In this central Process Function, the resources are used with the selected methods.

principle: In this process step, the transition from the more abstract world to the more real world takes place. Now the realization of the plans is started. The current state of the real world is changed according to the plans. This does not happen suddenly, but is subject to a process that is triggered in the actor's sphere of activity, continues to develop independently of the actor and is only then manifested in an external sphere.
pragmatic: the skilful implementation of this chain of effects forms the central point of the Basic Scheme. The focus here is on an efficient procedure with an effective influence. A good and systematic preparation actually helps to fulfill these aspects. Negative influences due to uncertainties and rapidly changing risks must be kept low by the actors through their personal behavior and experience. The responsibility for this lies exclusively with the actors involved. Appropriate reward or punishment is needed so as not to detract from motivation for future actions.
Standard control loop: control device
Five-element-teaching / Five phases of change:
Earth | tu |walking, transforming, changing, fruiting

[Re5] (a20) = Pfkt
Reality Change

Reality changes due to the influence of the measures taken and known and unknown side effects.

principle: The actions taken created an imbalance. The reality tries to establish a new balance according to its own rules, which are called 'the free play of forces'. In this process step, it is no longer possible to influence reality.
pragmatic: The hope now is that the counter-reaction of reality will actually occur as previously planned and that no unknown disturbance variables will occur. It is advisable to compare the recognizable effects with the executed Catalog of Measures continuously and impartially and not to influence the ongoing change processes. If corrections become necessary, then new processes are to be started for this.
Standard control loop: controlled system
Five-element-teaching / five phases of transformation: metal | jín | maturity, contraction, condensation, detachment, sinking

[Kd6] (a21) = Pfkt
Perform Control

Targeted observations and control measurements are required in order to record the success or failure of the measures taken.

principle: The final work of the process that is coming to an end is carried out in this Process Function. The prerequisites are created for answering the question of whether the expectations specified in the opening Process Function [Av2]'Give Instruction' have been fulfilled. A final judgment on this will be made in a another process. The created [P16u]'Affected Reality' will continue to exist regardless of the change process that has ended and regardless of the final judgment.
pragmatic: Feedback variables are worked out in accordance with the specifications from the Detailed Function [P04] 'Target Definition, Control Difference'. These quantities can be very different, ranging from simple numerical measured values to situation reports from extensive reconnaissance actions. These values ultimately serve to assess the quality of the process that has taken place and the actors involved, and must therefore be carried out very carefully.
Standard control loop: measuring device
Five-element teaching / five phases of change: water | shuí | Contemplation, situation assessment, rest

[Ek7] (a22) = Pfkt

The present results are reported back to the circumstance that triggered the start of the process.

principle: This process function represents the transition to other processes. It initiates the final completion of the current process and serves as preparation for other processes.
pragmatic: It makes sense for the actor to consistently end his emotional commitment to the finished process. Experiences made, on the other hand, cannot be erased and it is expedient to consciously deal with them. In this situation, negative and positive experiences can be recorded and evaluated in order to positively influence the actor's future attitudes and behavior in comparable processes.
Assigned detailed functions, each with the serial number:

16   New Reality
17   Final Endings
17   End Conditions
17   Output Vaiable

[BSu](a23) Bond Strand with Dfkt = Detailed Function

This strand contains the relationships between circumstances that appear as conditions.

general note: In the Basic Scheme, a strand means a line with the elements it contains.

There are nine strands, three strands contain Detailed Functions called Main Detailed Functions and six strands contain Detailed Functions. A Main Detailed Function contains general information about which aspect in the flow of a process is in the foreground at exactly this point. The aspects of a Main Detailed Function can be divided into the two sub-aspects "Desired Reality" and "Available Mapping". A Main Detailed Function is assigned in each case two Detailed Functions, which represent the two partial aspects..
  • An identifier of a Main Detailed Function ends with the small letter "u"
  • An identifier of a Detailed Function of the type: "Desired Reality" ends with "r".
  • An identifier of a Detailed Function of the type: "Available Mapping" ends with "a".
This strand is the Bond Strand.
The Process Strand is another strand with Main Detailed Functions.
The Source Strand is the third strand with Main Detailed Functions.

The strands with the sub-aspects 'Desired Reality' are:
Bond, Desired Reality
Process, Desired Reality
Source, Desired Reality

The strands with the sub-aspects 'Available Mapping' are:
Bond, Available Mapping
Process, Available Mapping
Source, Available Mapping
principle: The Main Detailed Functions on the Bond Strand create the conditions under which a process should run according to the specified targets. They are of a dynamic nature and are based on aspects that are more in the future.
The change processes on this strand are viewed as individual objects that are selected and implemented for each Main Detailed Function according to their suitability from a set of abstract alternatives.
general: There is a predefined sequence in the Basic Scheme in which the individual Main Detailed Functions are processed one after the other. The sequence results from the numbering of the Main Detailed Functions and the Detailed Functions. The numbering corresponds to the two digits that are contained in each identifier of a Main Detailed Function and a Detailed Function.
The Sub-Function 'Interaction' coordinates jumping back and forth between the Main Detailed Functions within a Process Function.
The change of a relationship represents a process. In principle, this process can only have an inhibiting or disinhibiting effect. Persistence tendencies have to be broken up by applying pressure to change.
Activity verbs are often found in this strand. Verbs from this class of meaning denote situations in which conscious and intentional actions of a causer are in the foreground, such as to work, to serve, to confer, to perform, to eat, to drive, etc.
pragmatic: During the planning phase, the general question is: "Which of the available options should be used?"

[B00u] (s1) = Dfkt
Starting Conditions

Starting Conditions are already recognizable before the start of a process and form the initial framework for the upcoming process.

principle: In the course of the process, the starting conditions will most likely be influenced. The effort required for this represents the greatest pressure in a change process, apart from the use of resources.
pragmatic: For this reason, it is expedient to identify and nominate these conditions right from the start. Otherwise, there is a great risk of having to intervene in a process that is already underway due to conditions that were recognized too late. Changing a process that has already been agreed and started is regularly associated with disadvantages that can be avoided if the procedure is correct.

[B03u] (Zw) {w} = Dfkt
Follow Purpose
(consequent and appropriate)

Fixed motives and specifications form the framework and the framework conditions derived from this for the process that is starting.

prinzipiell: principle: The very first recommendation from [S02] Wisdom, Life Experience is made available to this Detailed Function for further revision. The starting process is aligned and adapted to the specified purposes. The actors now slip into the role of 'leaders'. Their task now is to bring the incipient process in line with the strategic targets and to ensure that relevant guidelines are adhered to.
pragmatic: This is achieved by consistently observing the predicate 'consistent'. All process flows are derived exclusively from the underlying, original aspects. The correct order of the individual steps results from the consideration of 'cause' and 'effect'. The term 'appropriate' provides the benchmark for flexible adaptation and design of the planned process flows to the specified purposes.
Standard control loop: Specification of the reference variable {w}, which the setpoint generator determines from the setpoint

[B06u] (Mn) = Dfkt
Decide Action

Binding determination of the further procedure in the form of concrete measures.

principle: In this detailed function, a final selection must be made from the available alternatives for the further procedure. The focus is on the aspects of actual feasibility, the current environmental conditions and the personal skills of the people who are commissioned with the implementation. The binding, tactical procedure is determined.
pragmatic: The alternatives at hand come from Detailed Function [S05] Knowledge (sound). It cannot be ruled out that there the preparation and the presentation form of the alternatives is not done appropriately in order to allow interests which do not serve the purpose to flow into the final decision. However, the decision-makers must not allow themselves to be impaired in their decision-making by improper influences of any kind.
Standard control loop: Specifications for concretising the control behavior

[B09u] (Ma) = Dfkt
Trigger the Use of Resources

The triggering of the change impulse is the central moment in the transition from the abstract to the real world.

principle: The first step in using a resource is to detach it from an existing context. This creates an 'unbound resource'. In the second step, the 'unbound resource' receives an impulse that also requires the use of resources. The interaction of the 'unbound resource' and the impulse creates a reaction in a different context. This is seen as triggering and realizing the use of resources.
Example: When an archer releases the arrow on the bowstring of the tightened bow, he thereby releases the arrow from the context of the bow. The arrow flies as an unbound resource in the targeted direction. The archer cannot do anything additional and has thus completed his task.
Standard control loop: auxiliary energy for the controller to generate the manipulated variable {y}

[B12u] (z) {z} = Dfkt
Counteract Interference,
External Influence

Interference variables are the counterparts to the intended changes and make themselves noticeable when a new equilibrium is formed.

principle: Aspects that contain the more active behavior of reality are assigned to this Detailed Function. This includes unknown and unexpected influences and counter-reactions deliberately provoked and brought about by the change process.
pragmatic: This Detailed Function and the Detailed Function [S11] Current Reality, Reference Variable are viewed as bipolar extremes whose behavior and their interaction are hardly comprehensible. However, there is the possibility of viewing these two extremes as two 'black boxes' and consider only the inputs and outputs. It can be assumed that a new state of equilibrium is always established after a disturbance in reality. The resulting changes can be observed at the corresponding entries and exits.
With a very simplistic view, one can limit oneself to the consideration and evaluation of opposites in the form of: 'Yes-No', 'Good-Bad', 'Bigger-Smaller' etc. This gives a first overview of how the new situation is to be assessed.
Standard control loop: Processing of disturbance variables {z} that appear as an unexpected constellation of the controlled system

[B15u] (Er) {r(t)} = Dfkt
Measure Result

This is where the measures are carried out that are necessary for the evaluation of the process result.

principle: A result that is supposed to fulfill a given purpose is only accepted if it has taken on a unique state and clearly differs from another state. The proof for this is provided by a measurement. By 'measurement' is meant a comparison with a known quantity. The changes that have actually taken place are illustrated by abstract representations and symbols. The results can vary widely, from simple numerical measurements to protocols from extensive surveys. Ultimately, a measurement provides a truth value about the correctness of the measured value. The answer to the question of whether a measured value is 'acceptable' can only be given if the measured values are available to the recipients in a largely falsifiable and permanent manner.
pragmatic: This process step may be superfluous if a certain result is assured from the outset. This may be the case for purely technical processes in a controlled environment or for natural processes that run according to fixed rules. It is definitely required in pragmatic processes where purposeful, human action is central. It is expected that after completion of the initiated process, values will be available,
Standard control loop: Determination of the feedback variable {r} from the controlled variable {x} by the measuring device and forwarding to the comparison element

[B17u] (q1) = Dfkt
End Conditions

Endbedingungen stellen sich als Folge des beendeten Prozesses ein.

End conditions are relationships in the environment of the finished process that must be taken into account by subsequent processes or are of general interest. The set of subsequent processes can be defined very broadly. From this point of view, statements about tried and tested procedures and the resulting reactions can be added to the general knowledge base. It can be information on proven know-how, on legal framework conditions, on psychological findings, etc.

[BSr] (a24) Bond Strand:
Desired Reality

All relationships, bonds and agreements that are relevant for a change process and that must actually exist, in other words the real forms of the relationships, have their place on this strand.

principle: When defining instructions and targets that contain a fully comprehensible description of relationships, all Detailed Functions on this strand must be formulated. The quality attributes to be considered are indicated in round brackets:


Explanation: A work instruction, for example, describes a 'Desired Reality'. In doing so, essential aspects in the Detailed Functions must not be disregarded, otherwise the contractor will fill in the remaining open aspects at his discretion. In principle, the client cannot complain about the consequences of this behavior. The following is an example of a work instruction:
During the fruit harvest, Andreas will help the farmer Otto!
The situation is: During the fruit harvest
The subset is: Andreas
The characteristic is: will help
The dimension is: the farmer Otto
The peculiarity is: not fixed! "will help" could be part-time or full-time
The quality attributes are used to determine whether the description of a pragmatic relationship is complete and unambiguous or not. These attributes represent purely logical, conceptual quantities and cannot be verified by empirical methods.
Application to the example:
Ist "During the fruit harvest" a specific situation? -> yes
Is "Andreas" a substantial subset? -> yes
Ist "will help" a special characteristic?
a characteristic?
a special one?
-> unclear
-> yes
-> no
Is "the farmer Otto" a correct dimension? -> yes
Is as an addition to:
will help
"in part-time or full-time"
understandable as an peculiarity,
in this case as a
[S14r] State (unambiguous) ?
-> no
Result: The work instruction is complete except for the peculiarity 'will help'.
pragmatic: When formulating an instruction, it makes sense to clarify whether something is missing or superfluous. The best way to do this is to use a mnemonic sentence for comparison, such as: "During the fruit harvest, Andreas will help the farmer Otto full time!
Cross-reference: In linguistic pragmatics exists the speech act theory. Here it is assumed that every spoken sentence is a kind of action that aims to achieve something. The central terms of speech act theory are similar to the terms in the Bond Strand.

[B00r] (s2)
Real Parts of
Starting Conditions

The selection of the circumstances and their interrelationships, which influence the upcoming process, represent the Real Parts of Starting Conditions.

principle: The Real Starting Conditions are recognized by keeping a situation in mind and identifying the circumstances that influence the success of a planned process to a considerable extent. A situation contains real circumstances in the form of objects as things, people, animals, in short, everything of animate and inanimate nature. Everything is related to one another and influences one another with very real effects.
pragmatic: We interpret relationships into our observations and can therefore only name them and present them as models. As forms of representation, catchword-like records, graphic representations in sketch form or representations as diagrams are conceivable. Photos, videos and sound recordings are images of reality at a specific point in time. They can only serve as evidence of the relationships recognized in them. They are largely unsuitable as a form of representation for findings that are to be used in the further change process.

[B03r] (Sit)

A situation represents the interrelationships between circumstances, facts and framework conditions in which the process is embedded.

principle: The existing occasion and the given and superordinate purposes are at the center of the situation. General Knowledge and the Laws of Nature form the framework.
pragmatic: The initial situation is described here. Compliance with the predicate 'specific' ensures that only aspects are taken into account that are important for the given situation.

[B06r] (Tei)

A Subset represents a specific selection from a total quantity.

principle: When forming subsets, some of the objects are selected from a total quantity of objects, all of which have special characteristics, according to defined rules. In this process function, there are no statistical rules in the foreground, but characteristics that can be assumed to best meet the requirements of target achievement.
pragmatic: The quality attribute 'essential' here has the meaning of 'elementary'. Only those characteristics should be taken into account that make up the inner essence of a circumstance and therefore represent the matter best as a whole. This is an attempt to keep the proportion of undesirable characteristics that can never be completely ruled out as low as possible.

[B09r] (Eig)

Conditions with special characteristics are usually required for successful use of resources.

principle: A characteristic is a special property, which is typical for a given circumstance. The sum of the particularities characterizes a certain, real circumstance.
pragmatic: The term 'special' denotes a relationship to a normal case or to other facts. The term 'special' states that the special fact differs in characteristics or importance from the other facts. A 'special peculiarity' considered here is actually supposed to be something special with respect to the framework conditions to be considered. The framework conditions provide the benchmark for 'special'. For this reason, among others, the framework conditions of the Detailed Functions preceding on this strand must have been presented comprehensibly.

[B12r] (Dim)

One needs a suitable dimension in order to systematically group or sort circumstances with a certain feature on the basis of the characteristics.

principle: A dimension provides a set of similar, logically related criteria. If the peculiarity of a condition corresponds to one of these criteria, then this condition is assigned to this dimension. Dimension is an important element for data collections. A generally defined designation of a dimension is usually used to identify concretely determined peculiarities that can be assigned to this dimension.
Each object in the Basic Scheme, that is, the Partial, Process and Detailed Functions with their respective partial aspects represents an independent dimension. There are a total of 101 objects or cells in the form of HTML DIV elements. In the Basic Scheme, a dimension is named with a given name abbreviation and is indicated in square brackets. The name abbreviation, for example [B12r] for this Detailed Function, is placed at the beginning of each description text. The identifier, ID or label of an object is formed by placing an i in front of the name abbreviation.
pragmatic: The criteria can be of very different nature and therefore require different methods according to which a dimension is divided into statistically manageable subsets. These subsets are often placed on a one-dimensional strand with a specific direction. This is where the 'correct' attribute comes from.
If the assignment of a condition within a dimension has taken place from a subset of the dimension to another subset of the dimension, then a one-dimensional change in reality has taken place. That is the only criterion for a change in reality that can be reliably measured. The direction was kept, thus the dimension was not left. If there were simultaneous changes in several dimensions, then only superimpositions can be observed that can no longer be measured but only interpreted.
For this reason, too, the assignment of a dimension must be 'correct'. This ensures that in a specific case it can be recognized whether the circumstance itself has changed and not any changed secondary conditions give the appearance of a change.
Constant changes in reality under the same conditions can only be achieved and observed if the dimension of the change in reality is actually 'correct'. This requirement can be met with a practicable and largely applicable scale.

[B15r] (Aus)

The peculiarity of a feature is used to identify different circumstances or changes in a circumstance.

principle: A peculiarity represents a particular appearance of a circumstance and can be traced by different observers in a concordant manner. With a systematic application of the term 'peculiarity', methods are used that facilitate the traceability through statistical, mathematical methods. For traceability, information is required that goes beyond the specific investigation procedure and describes the underlying intention and the solution path.
pragmatic: The recognition of a certain peculiarity represents a cognitive performance. An automated recognition process only provides information about existing peculiarity. These indications have to be authenticated by authorized instances provided for this purpose. This is the only way of giving peculiarities the status of general validity.
For the representation of the different possible peculiarities, a scale with an ordered value range is usually constructed. An observed peculiarity is assigned to a value range of a scale by a measurement process.
For general understanding a unit of the used value ranges is needed. For each of the 101 objects or dimensions of the Basic Scheme a unit is defined, which is indicated in round brackets and contained in an HTML attribute. This Detailed Function 'Peculiarity (traceable)' for example has the name abbreviation: [B15r] and the unit: (Aus).

[B17r] (q2)
Real Parts of
End Conditions

The real parts of the end conditions are the conditions that exist after the end of the process and must be considered as conditions for other processes.

principle: The conditions listed here are of a real nature. These conditions, for example concrete procedures that have proven themselves, can only be observed and described. The description can include explanations that substantiate the truthfulness of the observations.

[BSa] (a25) Bond Strand:
Available Mapping:

In the Bond Strand, the 'Available Mapping' represent the methods for making relationships visible.

principle: Objectively comprehensible correlations or relationships can only be recognised in the interaction of at least three circumstances. Two circumstances are related to each other using a common feature mapped on the scale of a measure. The scale represents the third circumstance. The resulting difference is interpreted as a relationship. A complete and thus operationally comprehensible statement is made by describing the partial aspects: Scenario, Sample, Indicator, Scale and Value.
In the work instruction as 'Desired Reality':
During the fruit harvest, Andreas will help the farmer Otto!'
  • 'Andreas' represents the first circumstance,
  • 'Farmer Otto' the second circumstance
  • and 'help' the third circumstance.
The 'Desired Reality' can be replaced by the following measurement instruction as 'Available Mapping':

'During the fruit harvest, the farmer Otto will note down Andreas' presence with him to the hour.'
  • 'Andreas' remains as the first circumstance.
  • The second circumstance becomes 'presence with him' and replaces 'the farmer Otto'.
  • 'The presence' becomes the third given and replaces 'will help'.
The Scenario is: 'Fruit harvest' Is a description of a situation.
The Sample is: 'During the' So it is a full census.
The Indicator is: 'the presence'
with him
of Andreas'
That is the description of the three circumstances.
The Scale is: 'will do farmer Otto' The personal observation by the farmer Otto is the measure.
The Value is: 'to the hour' The unit of value for attendance is: number in hours.
The Evidence is in: 'note down' Thus, written form is agreed, although the design remains open.
The Bond Strand contains the quality features of statistical methods: These quality features can also be used to assess the quality of general mapping processes.
From Wikipedia keyword 'validity':
  • 'In addition to validity
  • objectivity (independence of the results from the measurement conditions)
  • and reliability (dependability, formal accuracy of the measurement)
  • are among the three main quality criteria.
  • They build on each other:
    • Without objectivity there is no reliability,
    • without reliability no validity.'
Compliance with the quality attributes is necessary in order to obtain a usable measurement. These attributes represent quantities that can in principle be verified by empirical and statistical methods.
Application to the example:
Is 'Fruit harvest' a realistic one Scenario? -> yes
Is 'During the' a representative Sample? -> yes. 'During' indicates a full survey.
Is 'the presence with him of Andreas' a valid Indicator of 'help'? -> No. Most likely 'working hours' are meant and these do not necessarily have to correspond with 'attendance'.
Is 'will do farmer Otto'' a reliable Scale? -> yes. The farmer Otto must be assumed to be reliable.
Is 'to the hour'' an objective Unit of Value ? -> yes.
Result: There is an applicable measurement specification if 'presence' actually and largely corresponds to 'will help'.

It is also evident here that the phrase 'will help' with the Work instruction in [BSr] is strictly speaking not a 'special characteristic'.

[B00a] (s3)
Abstract Parts of
Starting Conditions

The findings that go beyond the mere identification of the real conditions is regarded as the Abstract Parts of the Starting Conditions.

principle: The Abstract Part contains the results of already systematically prepared contexts. The basis for this is formed by cognitive processes and logical analyzes, which are processed using standardized methods. The results are independent circumstances. They are classifications, assessments, advice and ideas that do not occur in this way in reality.
pragmatic: The Abstract Part of Starting Conditions is often the experience that is already available in the environment of the planned process. The following saying might be helpful here: 'Well copied is better than poorly made yourself!'.

[B03a] (Sz)

A scenario is an image or a mapping and is a simulation of a real situation.

principle: A stage is described on which a situation is re-enacted. This description compiles the totality of the circumstances and the facts in which an event takes place. It shows the roles and institutions that are important in a specific situation. Only the most important and influential key factors should be considered. A concise presentation is advantageous because any superfluous elaboration can lead to unwanted misinterpretations.
This creates a representation that is as realistic as possible, which is further developed into a scenario during the initial planning. The scenario represents a draft of the sequence of possible events or the hypothetical implementation of the process and describes a possible sequence of events in the form of a future model.
pragmatic: Process Functions can form the framework, for example in the form of subsections and headings. This approach reduces the risk of overlooking important aspects or getting lost in trivialities.

[B06a] (St)

In this Process Function, the alternatives to be decided represent the underlying universe for a sample.

principle: A sample is the process of systematically selecting a subset from a basic set under certain aspects. The subset determined in this way is also called a sample.
In this detail function, alternatives for further procedure are discarded or considered in the further process through selection procedures.
pragmatic: The colloquial term 'representative' used as a quality feature is only intended to represent a leitmotif. The structures of the subsets should be designed in such a way that they reflect the structure of the basic set as precisely as possible. It is often the case that by dealing with the subsets, the structure of the basic set is continuously improved. If all alternatives can be expected to produce a fairly good final result, then they are representative. The alternative that is subsequently selected cannot logically be far from the optimum.

[B09a] (In)

An indicator provides general information about circumstances that cannot be directly observed or measured and suggests conclusions about actual conditions.

principle: An indicator represents a fact that is easy to observe or easy to measure, and is a proxy for the characteristic that is in focus and difficult to measure. An indicator can be
  • an event,
  • a circumstance
  • or a feature
that allows conclusions to be drawn about the condition or development of the object being observed.

Information is obtained as a result
  • in the form of a conclusive sign
  • or in the form of a sound indication
  • or in the form of a measured feature.
pragmatic: With this indirect observation of a given circumstance, special care must be taken to ensure that the given circumstance is actually mapped and represented that it is intended to be mapped. Adherence to this rule is not easy, because there are method-related mapping blurs that must be distinguished from avoidable sources of error in the planning of the measurement procedure. 'Validity' is considered to be the most important quality criterion for the application of indicators.

[B12a] (Ma)

In general, a scale is a real or mental tool that represents a dimension.

principle: By comparing a circumstance with a scale, a measured value is obtained which represents a sub-range of the corresponding dimension. Scale values are assigned to the different sub-ranges, which can be very differently designed according to the nature of the dimension.
pragmatic: a ruler is originally a yardstick that is used to measure length. The selection of a scale is based on the purpose of the upcoming measurement process. As a rule, measurement results are the basis for subsequent decisions. For this reason, the scale must be 'reliable' in relation to the dimension. The reliability determines the measurement accuracy, reliability and reproducibility under the same conditions.
This formal accuracy need not be attached too much importance in the social environment, because multiple measurements under the same conditions are often only possible to a very limited extent.

[B15a] (We)

The term 'value' here has the meaning of 'measured value' and is the result of a measurement process.

principle: A certain significance of a value is only given if all abstraction steps required for the measurement have been properly adhered to.
The abstraction steps are:
  • From a scenario
  • a sample is taken
  • according to an indicator
  • and the value contained and measured in the sample
  • is assigned to a predetermined scale.
A measured value is obtained by assigning it to a subset of statements or to an interval on a scale. The assignment represents a decision and the associated uncertainty or inaccuracy is always present. For this reason, a measured value is ultimately only a truth value that states that the value determined is true.
pragmatic: The term 'objective' provides the measure for the truth value. Unrelated influences can be excluded if the determination of the truth value is as objective and neutral as possible. Objectivity is not achieved through specifications alone; additional controls are required.

[B17a] (q3)
Abstract Parts of
End Conditions

The abstract parts of the end conditions are conclusions and model representations that are derived from the now present and observed conditions.

principle: The conclusions are based on assessments of the change processes that have taken place, which are reflected in the new circumstances.
pragmatic: These types of statements are very valuable, although they are usually rather vague and speculative. A timely, distanced and holistic view can identify inconspicuous features and weak indicators. This can lead to the discovery of previously unknown functional relationships.

[PSu] (a26) Process
Strand with
Detailed Functions:

The Process Strand represents those Detailed Functions that pass on or pass through results between the seven Process Functions.

principle: The Detailed Functions on the Process Strand represent the interfaces between the Process Functions and map the change process.
In principle, processes can only be activated or blocked. However, this is already sufficient to achieve certain results based on an occasion. In doing so, very different tensions in the interplay of the circumstances on the Bond Strand and the Source Strand must be overcome and brought together.
pragmatic: If an actor initiates and carries out change processes and uses the Basic Scheme as a working aid for this purpose, then it is expedient to see the start in the rather Abstract Realm and the end in the rather Real Realm. The direction of flow in this case is from left to right. In this case, individual, selected objects are in the foreground.
If autonomously occurring, generic change processes are only observed and described, then the focus is usually on sets of objects that are considered as a genus. In this case, it is recommendable to start from the more Real Realm and to follow the flow direction from right to left.

This recommendation is based on the observation that such change processes are often development processes, in which the objects of the genus predominantly take up circumstances in the beginning and give up circumstances to the environment in the later course. Since the actual causes are largely unknown here, as a working hypothesis a "will" is assumed, which appears more and more self-consciously in the course of development. Initially, the objects of the genus are controlled from the outside. In the course of development, the self-control increases. In the final stage of the process, the objects of the genus take over additional control of other processes.
Process verbs can often be found in this strand. Verbs that denote a dynamic change in the form of a process belong to this group of meanings. Changing situation is represented, where the causes are internal changes of properties and states. Examples: wake up, enrich, crash, degenerate, recover, fall, etc.
pragmatic: The Detail Functions on the Process Strand take up the information and instructions that are important for the interaction of the two adjacent Process Functions.
Information about the processes of the interactions within a process flow is best entered in the cells of line [Pf] Process Functions. These are usually the observations and instructions that are of importance between the executing persons and institutions exclusively within the framework of the current process function.

The assignment to the different process functions is relatively easy, because in a process function only processes take place, which are typical exclusively for this special process function and which are not to be found in any other process function.

[P00u] (s4)
Input Variable

Input Variables are circumstances that originate from external instances and suggest or directly trigger the start of a process.

principle: The Basic Scheme is based on the general idea that everything runs in a process-like manner and according to predefined rules, continuously and uninterruptedly. This process can be compared with the idea of recursive programming, where a function runs until a given termination condition occurs.
Only if an accidental or a deliberately caused disturbance occurs, then something happens, which is suitable to bring about a change in the running process. The following compilation shows the sequence of perception by the actor.
  • SDisturbances in the environment of the Basic Scheme are usually not exactly known to the actor,
    • but he usually only perceives it as an uncertainty.

  • They are sensations that have to develop first,
    • in order to appear as a special situation.

  • Prior experience is required for this.

  • If the current uncertainty is compared with the previous experience,
    • only then the notion that there is something special at the moment is condensed.

  • The special, in turn, leads to
    • that the actor's attention is directed to what is perceived.

  • Only then does a given circumstance come into the focus of attention
    • and is processed rationally.

  • Only after these more or less unconscious processes have taken place
    • the circumstances can be interpreted as 'Input Variables' or neglected.

A detected disturbance of a running process often results in the start of a new process.

pragmatic: In this Detailed Function, the concrete, undoubtedly available Input Variables can be compiled. It makes sense to note down the previous more emotional sensations, which are mostly paired with uncertainties. These notes are important for future processes and are assigned to the rubric 'Prior experience' or 'Indicators for special situations'. It is extremely important to gather prior experience in dealing with uncertainties in order to avoid dealing with superfluous processes and only initiate important ones.

[P01u] (r4) {r}
Feedback Variable,

Feedback variables and occasions are concrete circumstances that trigger the start of a process.

principle: If input variables have caused the actor to consider starting a process, then the actor changes his perspective on these variables. Initially, only external aspects were in the foreground for assessing the importance, now internal process factors are added.
Feedback Variables represent a special case and originate from a previous process sequence that works like a control loop and has triggered a feedback process. This process should be terminated or continued in the current process. For this purpose, a new process will be started in any case. By default, the Basic Scheme only considers one pass. When handling a control loop, it is assumed by default that there will be continuous runs.
All other causes, which are very diverse, are assigned the term 'occasion'. It is only intended to express that the actor has compared a message, communication or observation with his previous experience and with present and future aspects.
This created an 'initial suspicion' or a kind of 'working hypothesis'. The actor is now requested to deal with the resulting consequences.
Standard control loop: Request to react to the incoming Feedback Variable {r}

[P04u] (e4) {e}
Target Definition,
Control Difference

The strategic planning agreed between all persons and institutions involved is made available to the following Process Function.

principle: If the recommendations and demands of the first three Detailed Functions are on the table, then the Basic Function 'Interaction' contained in the Process Functio [Av2] Give Instruction ensures that an open-ended discussion of the available findings takes place between the Detailed Functions involved.
The result of this discussion is a strategic planning that does not contain any information any details on how to proceed, but only end states that are functionally described. This method enables extensive division of labor and prevents a pre-determination of the practical implementation. There is a basic concept of this approach, the value analysis, which is described extensively in DIN- VDI- and EU-guidelines.
The documentation of the strategic targets can contain two different basic statements:
Type A: If the input value is a true feedback variable, then it is determined whether the result achieved meets the target formulation of the previous process or not. The consequences resulting from this decision are specified as instructions, documented accordingly and forwarded to the responsible instances.
Type B: In all other cases, a target formulation will be available as a result of this Detailed Function. It contains the desired future real states for all important aspects. This compilation is a catalog of services, a specification sheet or a target agreement, etc. It must be objectively understandable because it is usually passed on to another group of people and taken into account in subordinate and subsequent processes.
im Standardregelkreis: Weitergabe der Regeldifferenz {e}

[P07u] (yr4) {yr}
Specify the Use
of Resources

The definition of the tactical plan ends the actions in the More Abstract Realm of reality and forwards the process to the Transitional Realm.

principle: Through 'interactions' between the strategic plan and the procedures selected from the knowledge base, a final tactical operational plan is formulated and determined. It precisely specifies the concrete procedure under the current, realistic conditions and lists the group of people commissioned with the implementation and the resources available. This plan represents the very realistic output of this Process Function.
pragmatic: Up to this point in time, all processes have taken place internally. Every further implementation means an intervention in reality. As a result, these activities are now visible outside of the ongoing process. If the overall circumstances make it necessary to end the process or to bring about significant changes, then it is advisable to implement these actions in this Detailed Function. In this process status, the planning process has not yet become publicly visible and the costs incurred so far are still relatively low.
Standard control loop: forwarding of the controller output variable {yr}

[P10u] (y4) {y}
Realise Use
of Resources

In this Detailed Function, the impact on reality takes place with selected means and with suitable methods.

principle: 'Realise the Use of Resources' means that the final transition away from the more abstract planning processes to the real change processes is now taking place. Here, an actual process takes place which is triggered in reality and will have corresponding consequences in reality.
This process is explained using an example. When shooting an arrow, the effect of an arrow shot only becomes apparent when the arrow hits the target or next to the target. The cause is the sum of the previous actions of the archer
The 'interaction' between the tactical plan, the available resources and the triggering of the use of resources is understood here as 'implementation'.
The following quote from Wikipedia clarifies this connection:
  • 'The implementation (Latin implere' to fill in, to fulfill ')
  • is the implementation of
    • established structures
    • and process flows
    • in one system
  • under consideration of
    • framework conditions,
    • rules
    • and targets,
    • thus in the sense of a specification.
  • In the general case, the concretisation represents a change
    • from an abstract
    • to a concrete level
    • The implementation stands for the lowest level.
  • In this context one also speaks of implementation competence
    • as the ability
    • intended targets
      • to transform into corresponding results
      • and to implement them in accordance with the intentions'.
Standard control loop: transmission of the manipulated variable {y}

[P13u] (x4) {x}

In the 'affected or influenced reality', all change processes have come to a standstill after they have caused changes.

principle: This Detailed Function describes the final state of the Affected Reality, which, based on the current reality, has been changed by the use of resources and by the disturbance variables and external influences. The feedback variables are taken from this reality.
As a rule, the changes that have taken place are easily recognizable. Some values result automatically. In the case of extensive changes, unclear conditions or changes in the more abstract realm, measurements or inquiries must be made to identify the changes.
pragmatic: If significant ambiguities arise, then it might be useful to systematically identify in a subsequent procedure the changes that have taken place. Here, the question is investigated as to why the measures taken have achieved a significantly different effect than those planned. The findings from this can prove valuable for subsequent, similar processes.
Standard control loop: result as controlled variable {x}

[P16u] (nR4) {x1}

The 'New Reality' state is achieved when all changes made by the change process have been completed.

principle: In this situation, the necessary control measurements have already been carried out and prepared and saved for subsequent applications. In this way, the systematic preoccupation with the new reality for the completed process is consciously concluded and the process is declared as finished.
pragmatic: The actor still has a kind of emotional connection. The subconscious tries to process what has been experienced and derive new insights for future behavior from this. There are various reasons why it makes sense to encourage and not suppress this process.
Standard control loop: outside the control loop, not considered values {x1}

[P17u] (q4)

Output variables represent the result of the completed process for external instances.

principle: Output variables are very different in their design and binding force. The requirements for the output variables are usually specified in the sub-function [D] Directive.

[PSr] (a27) Process Strand:
Desired Reality

The Desired Reality contains the real circumstances, which change or have to be changed in the process of change starting from rather abstract to rather real circumstances.

principle: This strand contains the sub-functions that contain the more real part of the process activities.
pragmatic: These are descriptions of certain types of action or methods that must be carried out carefully and forcefully in order to achieve the desired targets. The quality characteristics provide information on the manner in which the types of action should be carried out.

[P00r] (s5)

In the Basic Scheme, Input Variables represent a message for the actor to which he, as the recipient, has to react.

principle: For the actor, 'pressure' means not only negative but also positive circumstances.
  • As long as an actor does not feel an existing pressure, he will not react to it.
  • When the pain threshold is reached or the personal tolerance threshold is exceeded, only then is a pressure felt emotionally.
  • Only then a pressure can no longer be ignored
  • and only then is it seen as a request to become active.
If no pleasant rewards are to be expected, dealing with pressures is usually postponed as long as possible, because the expected consumption of resources was not planned for.
There are two types of pressures:
A: If the message comes from persons or institutions, then the message represents a kind of directive. In addition to the factual request, it also contains the degree of obligation in the form of a modal verb.

Modal verbs are in descending order from more self-determined to more externally determined:
  • may / might   => desire, preference
  • will                 => intention, willingness
  • shall / should => obligation
  • can / could     => possibility in principle, ability
  • may / might    => permission
  • must               => commandment, compulsion
The recipient, who is the actor in the Basic Scheme, does not always automatically adopt the degree of liability, but ultimately decides on it at his own discretion.
B: If the pressure is attributable to changed environmental conditions, then the actor's own perception determines the degree of liability.

[P01r] (r5)
Need for Action

A Need for Action becomes apparent on the basis of the Problem Analysis.

principle: Initial ideas about how one's own actions can eliminate the identified problems lead to an idea about the Need for Action. It is useful to outline these ideas in order to make them accessible to all participants. A Need for Action provides only preliminary and rough indications which, as a kind of working hypothesis, allow the start of process planning.
pragmatic: The predicate 'foreseeable' contains assumptions about future developments that hardly stand up to an objective examination. The assumptions should at least be disclosed so that the assessments are comprehensible for all parties involved.

[P04r] (e5)
Solution Approach

A correct approach to a solution includes the content requirements when working out a strategic plan.

principle: In the approach to a solution, not only your own Need for Action but all circumstances are taken into account that promote or hinder the success of the starting process.
One solution approach also takes into account the development steps revealed by the Basic Scheme, which are pragmatically accessible through the Process Functions.
The essential principle of correctness requires an extensive consideration of the real existing circumstances and the recommendations for the handling of the Basic Scheme.
pragmatic: The most important recommendations are:
  • Make specifications for all Detailed Functions.
  • Make the same number of specifications for the individual Detailed Functions as far as possible.
  • Similar processes running in parallel
    • only allow within one Detailed Function
    • or allow in the transition between two adjacent Detailed Functions.
  • Recognized sub-processes
    • consistently outsource
    • and turn them into independent, linked processes.
Following the recommendations will reduce the number of unclear and open issues. The subsequent tactical or operational preparation is not hindered or restricted by this.

[P07r] (yr5)

In this context, an efficient approach saves the expense of determining the procedure and the costs of actually deploying the resources.

principle: In the Basic Scheme, this detailed function represents the transition from the more abstract to the more real world. This is expressed in the term 'procedure', which is used to describe a planned and an actually executed sequence of actions.
The quality feature 'efficient' specifies how the transition should be designed. According to DIN EN ISO 9241-11: 3.3: 'The effort used in relation to accuracy and completeness with which users achieve a specific target.'
The aspect of efficiency should be taken into account both in the activities in the context of the planning process and in the operations related to real change processes. The aspect of effectiveness only becomes relevant in the subsequent Process Function.

[P10r] (y5)

The processes actually taking place in this detail function can no longer be influenced. The accuracy of the measures taken must have been considered at an earlier stage.

principle: The Basic Scheme contains in this Detailed Function the request to reflect the transition from one state to another.
This process of transition actually takes place in reality in some way. As a rule, however, we can only incompletely perceive the changes, because there are always aspects of reality to which we have no access. In addition, the change process has not yet been fully completed in this Process Function.
For this reason, the actor only has the pragmatic possibility to optimally and additionally efficient design the impending change processes from the beginning as far as it is within his possibility.
For the final realisation of a shot, an archer must aim accurately, aim the arrow precisely at the intended target and release the arrow without straying.
The quality attribute 'effective' describes this basic procedure. According to DIN EN ISO 9241-11: 3.2 Definition of effectiveness: 'The accuracy and completeness with which users achieve a specific target.'
pragmatic: This detailed function offers the opportunity to systematically gather insights into the ongoing change processes that can be usefully applied elsewhere.

[P13r] (x5)

Consistent Implementation here means the recommendation not to deviate from a chosen approach even in the face of unexpected resistance.

principle: The implementation process taking place cannot be fully grasped by the actor and runs completely independently of the actor in this stage of development.
principle: Similar to the real part of the Detailed Function [P10r] Effective Impact, a functional relationship is shown here in the Basic Scheme, which is only incompletely comprehensible and nevertheless has to be taken into account in some way. In this case it is the resistance to be expected. They can only be planned under varying degrees of risk and existing uncertainties and often only become apparent when they are actually implemented.
pragmatic: A practicable and effective strategy in this case is to stick as consistently as possible to a once-defined course of action throughout the entire process. When resistance or difficulties appear or arise, it is not appropriate to deviate from the path once taken, because other paths may hold similar difficulties in store.
If this recommendation is adhered to, it can be assumed that the resistances have arisen due to the special path taken. This restricts the environment and thus also the scope of the possible causes and increases the chance of finding applicable causes. Then there is the possibility of taking into account and influencing the causes that are now known in additional processes.

[P16r] (nR5)

The New Reality must take on a Sustainable State, otherwise the change process has not been effective.

principle: As a rule, the 'New Reality' should lead to a state that will last for a certain period of time. This state is described with the predicate 'sustainable'. If this is not the case, then the situation that was perceived as a burden at the beginning of the change process may occur again and the entire process that has already been completed would have lost its effect.
pragmatic: This possibly foreseeable development can only be counteracted if it is taken into account and included in the planning from the very beginning.

[P17r] (q5)

After completion of a process, the actor has to be effectively discharged in a predetermined way according to the result.

principle: With the discharge, a binding assessment of the completed process is found and agreed for all parties involved.

[PSa] (a28) Process Strand:

The 'Available Mapping' are the various methods used to map and control the real change processes at each change stage.

principle: These mappings are actions that are executed in parallel with the main actions. A kind of documents are created, which contain instructions for the following Process Functions. The mappings have a view into the future at the beginning, towards the end the view changes into the past.
pragmatic: For each Detailed Function there is a general question. The answer to the question outlines the result of the activity in this Detailed Function. This question can be used as an entry point when dealing with the Detailed Function.
If a satisfactory answer to this question is found by reflection on the result at hand when the Detailed Function is completed, then this Detailed Function should have been handled properly.

[P00a] (s6)

A message is generally understood to mean a message about something or the transfer of information.

principle: In connection with the Basic Scheme, the term 'message' includes processes that go beyond a communication process.
In a communication process, something in the form of a signal, information or message goes out from a sender, which is directed to a certain group of recipients. This process is accompanied by a request to the group of recipients to receive the message and process it cognitively. These messages are based on the conceptions of the people involved and are therefore abstract processes.
There are also messages from the animate nature that have their origin in the The More Abstract Realm. They are recognized and interpreted by a recipient on the basis of his experience.
Messages from the inanimate nature are not available. Nevertheless, observations of changed environmental conditions can be interpreted by the observer as signals for ongoing change processes and be considered accordingly.
pragmatic: The 'concrete' attribute here addresses the design of the concrete communication process. If an element such as: sender, receiver, form of the message, content etc., cannot be reliably and concretely determined according to the circumstances, then queries must be made. In the case of messages from the living nature, queries are not possible. Actions can only attempt to bring about a repetition. However, it remains uncertain whether the original message corresponds with the new one.
The general question here is: Does this really concern me?

[P01a] (r6)
Problem Analysis

With a Problem Analysis one tries to determine the causes of identified problems.

principle: A problem analysis can have very different levels of complexity. It must be carried out very carefully, because a hasty decision can hardly be corrected and an incorrect analysis has serious consequences.

A problem analysis is based on the available information, the correctness and seriousness of which must be checked by the author himself. The main problem is the correct classification of accepted information, which is linked with the terms: 'obvious,' apparently ',' apparently 'and' as if '. In the case of information based on one's own observations, these terms help to create an appropriate analysis.

'Obvious' is often used when the observer, when passing on his observations and perceptions to the actor, usually without asking, wants to emphasize his competence as a consultant by a subjective embellishment of the perceived. The actor has to ignore all, even 'obvious', judgments and conclusions from other people, because he has to make them himself.
'Apparently' expresses the presumption or conclusion that something is what it appears to be. For example: 'The cat meows and runs towards the food bowl. Apparently it is hungry! '.

The origin for a statement in connection with 'apparently' lies with the observer. Here, too, the recipient is obliged to verify for himself the correctness of the inference suggested by the observer.
'Seemingly', on the other hand, means that something is only based on the external impression, but not actually so. For example: The cat played seemingly with the mouse, but already short time later the mouse was dead as a mouse or dead as a doornail. The realization that something is so according to the outer impression, as it is also actually or is not so, someone must have already examined. Two cases are distinguished:

1. The 'pseudo-bloom' is known to be a trick of nature, like many other facts in nature, which do not reveal the cause, in this case the purpose, at first glance. These observations are usually of no relevance for problem analysis.

2. The 'mock battle' is a tactical ploy in a dispute between hostile parties. It is an attempt to deceive the opposing party into believing that the situation is correct, but is in fact incorrect. Behind 'seemingly there is often an unknown intention from the outset. In this case, it is essential to determine the originator of the intention and then its true ulterior motive. If there is no apparent intention, then there may still be an intention. If there is definitely no intention, then some coincidence is present, which is irrelevant.
'As if' introduces an association about an expression of an observed property. For example: The cat behaved as if it was playing with the mouse. In most cases there is no fixed term for the observed characteristic or the characteristic is not quite clear and therefore has to be paraphrased. The paraphrase can easily give the recipient an inaccurate impression of what is actually present. Therefore, caution is also required when using 'as if'. In the example, the cat does not "play" with the mouse, which is its food, but "tires" it out so that the cat can safely kill its prey.
The predicate 'applicable' is sufficiently considered if no known untruths are included in the analysis and the truth aspects pointed out are adequately considered.
The general question here is: Why did something happen and why was something done?

[P04a] (e6)
Plan (what)

A strategic plan presents the objectives in an operational form that eliminates misunderstandings for the recipient as much as possible.

principle: The preparation of a strategic plan is necessary when there is a Target Definition of type B and not only a decision.
pragmatic: It must include various aspects:
  • the correct approach to the solution
  • the personal responsibility for each of the three process strands
  • binding statements about the available resources
  • binding specifications for the time frame to be complied with
  • binding specifications for the output variables to be determined
  • binding specifications in the case of an unplanned non-execution
The strategic plan is basically an abstract circumstance. For the upcoming process, it must be prepared into a real fact.
This can be a handwritten record or a machine printout or a file, etc. The documentation created in this way must be made available in an unchangeable form to all those affected.
The general question here is: What should be done?

[P07a] (yr6)
Plan (how)

The tactical plan specifies how the strategic plan is to be implemented in the form of concrete measures.

principle: The process of specifying the use of resources is reflected in tactical or operational planning. The functional descriptions defined in the strategic plan find their equivalent here in the form of concrete measures to be implemented.

pragmatic: A measure is determined by
  • The manner of implementation,
  • the responsible bodies,
  • the funds used for this
  • and the deadlines to be met
are listed.
Examples of tactical plans are the procurement plan, the production plan, the sales plan, and the research and development plan.
The general question here is: How should something be done?

[P10a] (y6)
Catalog of Measures

A Catalog of Measures is derived from the tactical plan and represents a kind of 'to-do' list that is worked through and thereby accomplished.

principle: In the Catalog of Measures, the measures are listed that are specifically to be completed. The pending measures were processed in this Process Function.
pragmatic: After they have been dealt with, activity records are added in the form of notes and everything together then represents a log as evidence of the measures taken. Observations of the effects achieved are usually not included unless such logs are expressly part of the measure. It is normally assumed that the intended effects of the measures in focus will actually occur.
The general question here is: With what and through what was something done?

[P13a] (x6)

Noticeable effects can only be identified through changes that have taken place.

principle: Effects represent the results of change processes. They are the consequences that have arisen due to causes. The causes were initiated in the change process and the planned effects should now have occurred despite all the inadequacies.
pragmatic: The changes that have occurred are only recognizable in comparison to a previous state and must be attributable to specific causes. A logical, cognitive process is required for this. The focus is on interpretations of indicators, which are often based on the actor's experience. For this reason, it makes sense to consistently question the interpretation made in order to avoid misinterpretations.
The general question here is: How far has something changed?

[P16a] (nR6)

The preoccupation with the completed process does not end automatically for the actor but has to be brought about.

principle: The termination of the expiring process represents a decision of the actor. Compliance with this decision cannot be checked and demanded in the context of the expiring process, because the corresponding possibilities for this are usually lacking.
pragmatic: For this reason, it makes sense to end the concrete preoccupation with the expiring process without any formal proof. One possibility for the actor is to shift the focus to other processes. This turning away from the expiring process does not have to take place suddenly. A steadily decreasing focus is appropriate to avoid some sort of separation pain.
The general questions here is: Does the process continue to affect the actor? Can the actor shift his focus to other activities? ?

[P17a] (q6)

Just like the [P00a] Concrete Message, the distribution represents a communication process.

principle: The rules for a proper communication process must be adhered to. As a rule, the actor as the recipient of a directive has a kind of 'obligation to deliver', according to which the principals of the expired process must be informed of the result of the expired process. This enables the principals to bring the process to a final conclusion in this Detailed Function without additional activities. They can also determine that a decision on final [P04u Type A:] termination or a follow-up process gefasst wird.
The general question here is: Is herewith really everything said?

[SSu] (a29) Source Strand
Detailed Functions:

The Detailed Functions on the Source Strand provide the requirements for change processes.

principle: The change processes in this strand are of a more static and continuous nature and are based on aspects that already exist and that therefore belong more to the past.
Existing real or abstract sources or means or circumstances are considered as a group or a genus. In each process function, a subset that is suitable for the task is determined and used for the upcoming change operations.
The objects considered here are usually in a phase in which no change tendencies are recognizable for them. This persistence originated in preceding, often far back processes by linking or unlinking. These change processes are needed again to bring about an instability that allows changes to the objects.
This strand is the original place for state verbs. Verbs that express a state belong to this meaning group. In this case, the subject does not change. They denote situations without change or dynamics. Examples: to pay attention, to block, to chill, to shower, to stretch, to facebook, to believe, to be obstructive. etc.
pragmatic: During the planning phase, the general question is: How can external stocks of opportunities be transferred into internal stocks of opportunities that can subsequently be used in the change process?

[S00u] (s7)
Starting Requirements

Starting requirements are the conditions known before the start of a process, which must necessarily be present, since they contribute causally to the failure or success of the upcoming process.

principle: The existence of certain facts as Starting Requirements must already be brought about or guaranteed by the initiators or clients. Otherwise it is pointless to even consider starting a change process. The Start Requirements must be present at the latest at the beginning of Process Function [Av2] Give Instruction.
Note: The process: 'Create Requirements' is a separate process and must not be mixed up with the planned change process. If the consistent separation is not adhered to, then there is a great risk that the intention of the originally planned process will be adapted to the demands of the process 'Create Requirements'. As a result, the original purpose is lost sight of and loses significance.
Requirements must always be present before the corresponding conditions are created. This can be seen in the sequence of the Detailed Functions within the complete Basic Scheme from 0 to 17. Within a Process Function, the Detailed Function of the Source Strand is addressed first, then the Detailed Function of the Bond Strand.

[S02u] (WL)
Life Experience (authentic)

Wisdom and life experience contribute with their external point of view to improve the chances of success for a process to be started.

principle: Wisdom primarily describes a deep understanding of relationships in nature, life and society and is based on mental agility and independence.
At the beginning of a process it must be clarified whether the process should start at all. The following are available for this decision at this point in time: The urgency and the prospects of success cannot be derived from this information.
For this, the view from an external point of view in the form of life experience and wisdom is additionally required. The rejection of a start made on this basis is a final decision. The decision to launch, on the other hand, represents a preliminary decision. A final decision is only made in Detailed Function [P04] Target Definition, Control Difference. This approach prevents the start of processes that experience has shown to be superfluous or excessively risky.
pragmatic: wisdom and life experience should be 'authentic'. It must be ensured that the bearer of the wisdom brought into play is also the origin of these experiences and vouches for their authenticity. If it is noticed that there is something wrong with authenticity in the context of wisdom, then one should be very careful, because any stupidity can be sold as wisdom.
Standard control loop: comparison element

[S05u] (Ke)
Knowledge of
Problem Solutions

Knowledge represents a personal stock of knowledge that has been acquired in learning processes and is tailored to specific areas of application.

prinzipiell: principle: As part of this Process Function [Va3] Select Procedure, experts with special knowledge are usually involved. They are available as consultants and pass on their expertise in the form of possible alternatives to the Detailed Function [B06] Decide on measures.
Knowledge is an inventory with a very special feature. Someone who claims to have extensive knowledge in an area must know exactly what knowledge he does not have. This applies to a delimitation from neighboring areas and also to more in-depth knowledge. This fact is described by the saying: 'One answered question raises 1000 new ones.'. An optimal result can only be achieved on the basis of the existing knowledge if the limits of the existing knowledge are known and also taken into account.
Knowledge also includes the methods with which generally available knowledge can be quickly and reliably integrated into the personal level of knowledge.
Standard control loop: controller, actual control element

[S08u] (rM)
Real Available

The 'Actually Available Options' are everything that is actually available for the implementation of the planned process at the specified time.

principle: For a final implementation of the process, the 'Actually Available Options' must first be checked and actually made available, because they are the essential requirements for a successful process. So far, they have only appeared as planned figures. This is a very critical moment in the course of the process, because the effectiveness and the actual availability of resources are often incorrectly assessed for a wide variety of reasons. In many cases, tests are not possible because a test situation cannot be established or the effectiveness of the planned measures would be impaired by testing.
In this context, the 'Actually Available Options' are everything that is available for the realization of the planned process.

The probabilities with which a possibility is available can be narrowed down by two perspectives:
When the actor views the possibilities, a subjective risk assessment is carried out on the question of the probability with which the possibilities are available. If the options still have to be created in the course of the process, then they are created in a subordinate process. For this purpose, the current process must be stopped and can only be continued after the subordinate process has been completed.
Starting from the perspective of the surrounding current reality, the actor has to ask himself whether the means are actually available or not available completely independently of his behavior. That is a question against a background of uncertainty. The actor cannot influence uncertainty because he cannot change the environmental conditions during the ongoing process. It is advisable to only consider options that are actually available. Otherwise, the situation is like gambling, which is highly problematic in systematically conducted processes.
Standard control loop: controller

[S11u] (aR)
Current Reality,
Reference Variable

The 'Current Reality' represents the during the process flow rather passively behaving circumstances in which the process is embedded.

principle: The circumstances with, in principle, constant characteristics and behavior are assigned to the Detailed Function 'Current Reality'. Here the reality is viewed as a 'matter' or 'resource' or as that which is 'substantially' present before the start of the process.
During the process, something is taken from these existing circumstances. What is removed is added back to this reality in a different place and in a different context. It is assumed that this reality is largely passive and therefore to some extent predictable.
In a process in which constant conditions are always striven for, such as in a technical control loop, the reference variable represents a given reality, on which the extent of a change in reality should be oriented.
Standard control loop: actuator acts on the controlled system

[S14u] (zM) {r}
Measuring Range

A successful measurement process requires a defined situation in which the measurement process is embedded. This is described as 'Accessible Measuring Range'.

principle: Measuring means comparing with a known quantity, which in turn requires a defined initial situation in order to be able to limit measurement inaccuracies. The prerequisites for this are usually not automatically given and must be created. The creation of a suitable measuring situation is described by the expression 'Accessible Measuring Range'.
If there is a planned sequence of a process from the beginning, then the specifications according to which the end result is determined are also available. The triggered changes are contained in the Detailed Function [P13u] Affected Reality. However, they are not necessarily recognizable. The recognition of the changes that have taken place is in principle an independent process, which at best is carefully planned and carried out systematically. It can be generally referred to as 'collecting data and information'.
The set of all possible measuring ranges can be viewed as 'source' in the more real realm. A suitable measurement situation is selected from this set.
Standard control loop: measuring device, transmission of the determined feedback variable {r}

[S17u] (q7)
Final Findings

Final Findings are the circumstances that exist after the completion of a process and which are the requirements for the success of subsequent processes.

principle: The Detailed Functions on the Source Strand have special end states at the end of the entire change process. These special end states can serve as a source for similar subsequent processes.
These include, for example:

[SSr] (a30)
Source Strand:
Desired Reality

In the Source Strand of real circumstances, groups or genera are in the foreground.

principle: This strand is suitable for structuring current circumstances. In this case, structuring means that the current circumstances are assigned to certain groups, genera or classes. The most important feature here is the correct type of degree of abstraction level of the circumstance.
For each degree of abstraction there is a suitable Detailed Function. The degrees of abstraction represent purely logical, conceptual values which can be used for an initial assessment of the essence of the circumstance and for plausibility checks. If a circumstance is correctly assigned to a certain Detailed Function, then automatically many references result, which together make up the essence of the current process.
The hierarchy of degrees of abstraction includes starting
from a few references to many references:
For reasons of readability, the following table consists of three blocks arranged one below the other. The leading column contains in each case the three strands from which the Detailed Functions on the assigned lines originate. The sequence of cells in the header is based on the Source Strand [SSa] Available Mapping.
The cells each contain the mapping pattern of two consecutive Detailed Functions. The individual columns can be read from top to bottom as a coherent sentence. This sentence contains the main features of a degree of abstraction.

1.) real final findings
+ state
= abstract final findings
2.) state
+ difference
= signal sequence
condition If in real parts of final findings When between multiple states
real circumstances on the Source Strand: Desired Reality [SSr] a state is recognizable, differences are recognizable,
Degree of abstraction on the Source Strand: Available Mapping [SSa] then it is interpreted as an abstract part of final findings that into the then there is a signal sequence that is in
Detailed Function on the Source Strand [SSu] [S17u] Final Findings [S14u] Accessible Measuring Range
Result flows in. made accessible.

Allocation -
3.) difference
+ feature
= data collection
4.) feature
+ alternative
= information
condition If differences for the determination of If features
real circumstances on the Source Strand: Desired Reality [SSr] concise features can be used, indicate adequate alternatives,
Degree of abstraction on the Source Strand: Available Mapping [SSa] then a data collection can then be created from this, which a then relevant information is present, which to
Detailed Function on the Source Strand [SSu] [S11u] Current Reality, Reference Variable [S08u] Real Available Options
Result represents. draw attention.

5.) alternative
+ totality
= knowledge
6.) totality
+ real starting conditions
= wisdom
condition If alternatives If to the totality of the alternatives
real circumstances on the Source Strand: Desired Reality [SSr] in their totality are seen, also real parts of the starting requirements are added,
Degree of abstraction on the Source Strand: Available Mapping [SSa] then there is knowledge which in then there are references to laws of nature and general knowledge of what
Detailed Function on the Source Strand [SSu] [S05u] Knowledge of Problem Solutions [S02u] Wisdom, Life Experience
Result is applied. reveals.
This strand can also be used to infer the complexity of the observed circumstances:
  • If only one state is recognizable, then only one circumstanceis present..
  • A difference can be seen when at least two circumstances are present.
  • When observing several differences, there are also several circumstances and different features can be identified and defined.
  • Using features, alternatives can be recognized and groups of circumstances can be formed from them.
  • All alternative groups form the underlying totality.

[S00r] (s8)
Real Parts of Starting Requirements

The Real Parts of Starting Requirements represent a list of selected circumstances that the actor assumes he can freely dispose of at a scheduled time.

prinzipiell: principle: This compilation can initially only be made roughly for the most important circumstances, as the specific design of the planned change process is not yet known at the beginning.

[S02r] (Ge)

When deciding to start a process, it makes sense to consider all of the relevant aspects.

principle: A totality represents a quantity of circumstances or alternatives that belong together on the basis of certain matching characteristics, features, conditions and the like. A totality must contain the specified quantity completely, otherwise there is no totality.
The start of a process takes place in the entirety of our living space, which contains all the requirements for a start. Which conditions actually come into play is subject to very different rules and is ultimately a decision made by the actor.
pragmatic: For an actor who wants to start a process systematically under his direction, only a few possibilities are open. It happens relatively often that rules which are hardly comprehensible for us, such as luck, coincidence or suddenly occurring changes, unpredictably promote or hinder a possible start. For this reason, it makes sense to consider non-obvious possibilities to an appropriate extent.

[S05r] (Al)

Alternatives are formed according to certain criteria and then represent options.

principle: Here, 'alternative' is understood as the possibility of choosing between at least two mutually exclusive options for solving the current problem.
The starting point of the options is usually a functional description of the problem to be solved. The options themselves are circumstances, facts or solution approaches that meet the requirements of the specifications despite their different design.
The predicate (adequate) specifies that not only the requirements for problem solving, but also the known framework conditions are to be considered adequately.
[S08r] (Me)

A characteristic represents the designation of a circumstance with which a stock of facts can be divided into two partial stocks.

principle: Groups can be identified with features, the term 'distinguishing feature' indicates this. In the Detailed Function [B09r] Characteristic (specific), the similar term 'characteristic' is used. In contrast to 'feature', this is used to mark an individual.
The most important characteristic of 'Real Available Options' is the fact that the options are actually available in the form of a stock
  • are actually available
  • at a given point in time
  • in a certain amount
  • and in a specified quality.
If the attribute 'real available' does not apply, then the options are also not available, because in reality the attribute: 'a little bit available' does not exist.
pragmatic: The quality term (concise) describes an important aspect in the definition of a feature. A feature definition should be kept concise and still have a high level of meaning, because decisions and measurements are based on this. In the case of verbosity or imprecision, there is a great danger that inadmissible interpretations will have to be made afterwards and thus the original intention will no longer be correctly reflected.

[S11r] (Un)

A difference is recognizable when a feature of two similar circumstances are compared and different embodiments are present.

principle: One can distinguish two circumstances at a point in time or look at the changes of a circumstance between two points in time and report them as a difference.

In this Process Function [Re5] Effecting Reality Change, changes, transformations, no-longer-to-be-as-before, etc. are in the foreground. The effects of these processes can be recognized by the fact that previously known circumstances or characteristic values differ from new observations or measurement results. The process of differentiation is only feasible if the original image has been stored in some way and is compared with a newly created image.
Realistically, we cannot capture the [S11u] Current Reality at all, because it is incomprehensibly complex due to the many existing differences. It is only possible to pick out a few aspects and depict them with the existing methods.
The selection of aspects to represent the part of reality relevant for the process must follow the quality characteristic of (significance).
pragmatic: When selecting the aspects to be observed, care must be taken that after a change in reality, the observed aspect only has values that are different or known not to differ. A significant difference is given if the values differ by far beyond a minimum and this result is verifiable and also credible. In this case, two different states can be assumed. In the other case, no change has taken place.
A second meaning of (significant) also requires a selection of aspects that reflect the actual nature or identity of the underlying circumstance as well as possible.

[S14r] (Zu)

The situation of a given fact at a certain point in time is perceived as a state and described on the basis of time-dependent characteristics.

principle: A measurement process requires a defined situation that always contains a time reference. This is expressed in the term 'state'. A state says something about the way in which something is presented at a certain point in time. The state of a circumstance is indicated by observable properties. These properties can form the basis for measured values.
The predicate (unambiguous) refers to the sum of the characteristics observed at a point in time, the interaction of which reveals a certain circumstance. If there is uniqueness, then the corresponding circumstance can be correctly interpreted and assigned to an abstract specification.

[S17r] (q8)
Real Parts
of Final Findings

For the expired process, the Real Parts represent indications of real existing Final Findings.

principle: The real parts of the Final Finding can only be information and references to existing circumstances such as an inventory list. It does not contain any purpose-related information for other processes and the list is only used to document the current status. If this documentation is required for higher-level, parallel or subsequent processes, then it is contained in the Detailed Function [P17] Output Variable.
pragmatic: It is pointless to collect and store further information, because there is no known process for which this would be useful.

[SSa] (a31)
Source Strand:
Available Mapping

In the Source-Strand of abstract circumstances, the different information technology levels of reality or hierarchy levels are in the foreground.

This sequence represents a class hierarchy. These elements represent values that can tend to be verified by empirical and statistical methods.
A sum of selected elements forms a group. At the next higher level of the hierarchy, which includes a different level of abstraction, this group is given a specific, additional meaning. A connection is established between cause and the resulting effect.

This procedure follows the principle of induction:
If States are processed according to technical aspects, then Signal Sequences are created from it.
If Signal Sequences are processed according to syntactic aspects, then Data Collections are created from it.
If Data Collections are processed according to semantic aspects, then information is created from it.
If Information is processed according to pragmatic aspects, then knowledge is created from it.
If knowledge is processed according to general aspects, then natural laws and general knowledge are created from it..
When natural laws and general knowledge under processed according to subjective aspects, then assessments of risks and uncertainties are created.
When formulating the documents in the [PSa] Process Strand: Available Mapping the appropriate Information-technical levels of reality must be considered.

The content of this type of document: should be created with this type of content: and supplemented with this type of content for further processing:
[P00a] Concrete Message [P00a] Signal, information or message from a sender [S00a] Assessments of risks and uncertainties
[P01a] Applicable Problem Analysis [S00a] Assessments of risks and uncertainties [S02a] Laws of Nature, General Knowledge
[P04a] Strategic Plan (what) [S02a] Laws of Nature, General Knowledge [S05a] Knowledge
[P07a] Tactical Plan (how) [S05a] Knowledge [S08a] Information
[P10a] Implemented Catalog of Measures [S08a] Information [S11a] Data Collection
[P13a] Recognizable Effects [S11a] Data Collection [S14a] Signal Sequence
[P16a] Decreasing Focus [S14a] Signal Sequence [S17a] Descriptions of Abstract Parts of Final Findings

[S00a] (s9)
Abstract Parts of Starting Requirements

The Abstract Parts of Starting Requirements contain information that goes beyond the identification of circumstances and contains additional considerations on risks and uncertainties.

principle: The demand that Starting Requirements must always be given would in practice mean that a change process would never be started, because no one can guarantee that these will exist.
pragmatic: In principle, correct, comprehensible and plausible assessments are sufficient, which in this context can also contain assessable risks and uncertainties. This data will be taken into account in the final decision to start the process.

[S02a] (Nat)
Laws of Nature,
General Knowledge

The Laws of Nature and General Knowledge represent the most extensive mappings and models of the reality around us that are available to us.

principle: The entirety of our environment is only accessible to us through images in the form of natural laws, general knowledge and our own perception. Only a small excerpt is available to the actor personally, because the acquisition of general knowledge and knowledge of the laws of nature is associated with effort, which is limited by the circumstances of the actor's life and the access to appropriate sources.
pragmatic: For this reason, the cooperation of several people at the beginning of the process is beneficial for the success of the process.

[S05a] (Wis)

Knowledge is understood here as the general stock of knowledge about facts, theories, rules and pragmatic solutions.

principle: Knowledge is characterized by the greatest possible degree of certainty, so that its validity or correctness can be assumed, although there cannot be absolutely correct knowledge, since it is always seen from different perspectives. This is expressed in the quality feature (sound).
This very extensive knowledge collection has two types of content:
The first type includes methods for recognizing, elaborating, supplementing and structuring problems. When applying these methods, one obtains an abstract description of the task given in the target definition. This description contains the structure of the problem with the solution preconditions and necessary constraints.
The second type of content is a collection of alternative approaches that have been successfully practiced at least for test purposes. Promising alternative solutions are selected from this collection and prepared for further assessment with regard to their specific application possibilities.

[S08a] (Inf)

A piece of information consists of data that is assigned a meaning from the perspective of the recipient.

principle: If the recipient wants to get to know the characteristics of a feature for a specific situation, then he needs the corresponding information. One can only speak of 'information' when it is important for a specific recipient in a given situation. The relevance of information for the recipient is that the information is required for currently pending decisions.
As explained under Feature, a feature term should have a high meaning content that establishes a reference to the genus for which the feature is used. This fact is very important for the recipient, because the decision to be made does not concern the characteristic itself, but the genus or subset identified by it.
The so-called 'information flood' is in principle just a 'data flood' and is a flood of non-binding offers of solutions without any specific problem-related reference. This can be understood from the approach of a recipient. Only when information on a specific feature is required is it filtered out from the 'flood of data' or from existing Data Collections and the results obtained in this way are regarded and used as information.
pragmatic: In the Detailed Function [S08u] Real Available Options, the temptation is great to omit a correct assignment of data to features. As a result, the data offered are perceived as matching information, with the consequence that the resulting decisions are also viewed as correct, although they are actually unsuitable.

[S11a] (Dat)
Data Collection

Data collections serve the purpose of structuring and storing existing knowledge about the most diverse aspects of current and past rea

principle: There are very different types of data collections. Data collections in computer systems are called database systems. The way in which such a system stores and manages data is determined by the database model. The most common form of a database system is the relational database system. The very extensive knowledge of this database system based on the practiced applications can largely be transferred to all other data collections.
A data collection can, for example, contain the information from [P10a] Implemented Catalog of Measures together with the information from [P13a] Recognizable Effects. This data collection then forms the basis for the systematic determination of the changes that have taken place.

This approach is reminiscent of an accounting with:

[P10a] Implemented Catalog of Measures as information on the expenditure side
[P13a] Recognizable Effects as information on the income side
[P16a] Decreasing Focus als as a subsequently calculated result
[P17a] Liberating Distribution as an approved balance sheet
Data that belongs together in terms of content and describes a process status at a specific point in time is referred to as 'consistent data'. In order for data to remain consistent, it must not be changed or updated during processing or during a transmission process. This means that only one process can act on the database at a time.
pragmatic: There is an important indicator for a possible lack of consistency. If more data is available than required by the database model, then it is most likely that two competing processes have changed the database and different values have been generated and saved for one aspect.
Example: The ASBRI Form provisionally represents
  • a document-oriented data collection
    • based on XML.

  • For the syntactic preparation
    • the HTML5 subset is used exclusively.

  • The semantic data model only uses objects
    • which are structured in hierarchical and procedural
    • and integrated in Basic-, Supplementary- and Analog-Structures.

  • The pragmatic design is based on the Basic Scheme.
Production and processing are carried out by users who only pass on complete and verified documents. Transmission errors can be detected by using a hash value, for example on the basis of md5.

[S14a] (Sig)
Signal Sequence

In terms of information technology, a signal has the smallest possible information content and in principle only says 'high' or 'low'.

principle: The signals emitted by a signal source form a sequence of signals of 'high and low' that have to be interpreted in a certain context in order to be able to derive any statements. The signal sequences can take on any constellation and can therefore be used to differentiate between any number of signal sources.
The interpretation of a signal sequence results in an abstract representation that requires a binding agreement to distinguish the [S14r] State 'High' from the state 'Low'. The predicate (selective) is a measure of how exactly this agreement is adhered to in a specific application. The prerequisite for this are practicable specifications for the agreed delimitation method.

[S17a] (q9)
Abstract Parts of
Final Findings

The Abstract Parts of Final Findings are descriptions of real final states.

principle: These descriptions are in principle the same as in [S17] Real Parts of Final Findings. The descriptions can be extended in the context of this Detailed Function by judgments and realizations. This information can then be prepared as knowledge and as [S05] Knowledge of Problem Solutions be supplied to the general state of knowledge.

[Fz1] (a32)
Merging several ASBRI Forms

Information about merging several ASBRI Forms and information about the ASBRI Form as a distributed application.

An ASBRI Form is used to store data for a project. Instructions on the type of data collection are given in [S11a] Data collection. The total required data can be distributed in several ASBRI Forms and brought together in one ASBRI Form.

The distributed data management is based on the model of the
Representational State Transfer (abbreviated REST, more rarely ReST).

REST is an abstraction of the structure and behavior of the World Wide Web.
REST refers to a programming paradigm for distributed systems,
especially for web services like WebDAV.

The merging of multiple ASBRI Forms is done by using one or more iframes. The principle way of working is shown by the examples in the Functions selection menu under the option group: 'Insertions from other ASBRI documents'.

The markings, class attributes and ASBRI notations described [here] and specified in some cases must be used so that the mergers work.

Future use of the ASBRI Form by various users will reveal the practical requirements. The workable and tested implementations will be posted here in due course.

[Fz2] (a33)
Display options and JavaScript functions

Description of the representation possibilities and JavaScript functions contained in the ASBRI Form

principle: ASBRI objects are usually simple DIV elements and can therefore contain all HTML5 elements.

In the standard representation in the form of hierarchies and matrices, the ASBRI elements are in principle quite small, because they are accessible in conjunction with other ASBRI objects as part of structures in sometimes extensive overview representation. Only by clicking and automatic copying into the reading window the content becomes accessible.

In the list display, the display of all objects is enlarged so that the content is completely visible. The order of the objects then corresponds to the order in the source text, whereby the structural relationships between them can no longer be traced. This form of presentation is called up by selecting it in the Representations selection menu with the menu item 'List presentation of the entire website'.
The contents of DIV elements are the data of the individual ASBRI objects contained in an ASBRI Form. The structural relationships between the ASBRI objects result from the order and subordination of the DIV elements and their class attributes. JavaScript must be used to record and interpret the existing structures.

At the beginning of the development work on the ASBRI Form, an attempt was made to do without JavaScript and only to use the display options of CSS3. This basic principle was discarded, because in the event of a structural change, the markings for each individual element of the related structures would have to be changed. This is not necessary when using JavaScript.

The JavaScript functions contained in the ASBRI Form are for the most part required for presentation and pragmatic handling. The functions that can be called in the Functions selection menu are small, practical tools and examples of how ASBRI elements can be selected and processed.

The source text of the JavaScript functions is extensively commented and can be changed and expanded according to special requirements if the necessary rights are available.

[Fz3] (a34) Definitions
and Guidance
for the ASBRI Form

Definitions and Guidance for the ASBRI Form


Task of this compilation:

  • It is intended to provide an overview of the nature and design of the ASBRI Form.
  • It provides an introduction to understanding the ASBRI Form.
  • This text is not an instruction manual.
  • The use of the ASBRI Form as an HTML document to be read is largely self-explanatory.
General notes::

Editing including formatting and creating and changing objects and structures is done by editing the source code. This requires some knowledge of the HTML markup language. As software for editing the source code the open source text editor "SciTE" aus is recommended.

The integrity of the data management is not monitored by software, but must be considered by the user when editing.

This compilation can be seen as a start for a Requirements specification, for the task of designing the ASBRI form from scratch or in a different software environment. The source code of the JavaScript functions is provided with comments, which make it easy to understand.

Table of contents of the following compilations:
Collection of some important definitions to understand the Basic Scheme.
The essence of ASBRI - The ASBRI form
The building of objects and structures through HTML and CSS components
The inner construction of objects and structures by HTML and CSS components:
to Basic Scheme: The content of the Basic Scheme
to Basic Scheme: The formal structure of the Basic Scheme
to Basic Scheme: Basic information on handling the Basic Scheme

Collection of some important definitions to understand the basic scheme: [↵]

Axiom , definition:
An axiom is an assumption that does not need to be proven (and that cannot be proven) from which further (scientifically) correct conclusions can be drawn. In the natural sciences, axioms are based on observation.

several definitions from:
DIN standard 2342 terms of terminology,
part 1 basic terms

1.1 subject (also: object ) (own note: or conditions )
Any section of the perceptible or imaginable world.
Note: Also events, facts and terms can be objects .

2.1 Concept of
unit of thought, which is formed from the set of objects by determining the properties these objects have in common by means of abstraction. Note: Concepts are not tied to individual languages, but they are influenced by the respective social background of a language community.

2.2 Characteristic
In terms of terminology work: A unit of thought gained through abstraction that reproduces a property of objects that are used for Concept formation and delimitation serves.

3.1 Designation
Representation of a concept with linguistic or other means.

3.1.1 Symbol
Designation consisting of alphanumeric characters, symbols or a combination thereof.

several definitions from:
DIN standard 19 226 Control engineering and control engineering
Part 1 Terms and designations

2 System
A system is one given in a given context Arrangement of structures (own note: or objects or circumstances or facts ), that are related to each other. This arrangement is due certain requirements are demarcated from their environment.

2.1 Structure
The structure is the totality of the relationships between the parts of a whole (own note: or of a system ).

6 Process
A process is a set of interacting processes in a system through which matter, energy or information are transformed, transported or stored.

7 Model
A model is the mapping of a system or process into another conceptual or representational system, which is obtained on the basis of the application of known laws, an identification or assumptions made and the system or the process with regard to selected issues maps with sufficient accuracy.

Scheme, definition:
by: Rudolf Eisler

"Every concept has, according to Kant, its "scheme", that is, a procedure for realizing the content of the concept in a general and descriptive way through a general, representative idea."


"The scheme that Kant is concerned with is not available in the form of an external sketch, but determines an inner structural moment of our representational knowledge : With Kant, the schema mediates between intuition and concept and explains the way in which terms manage to articulate intuition , and how the intuition of the conceptual determination presents itself, although intuition and concept initially seem to be completely dissimilar."

Schemes are abstract structures that represent the knowledge stored in memory.

intuition , definition:
Intuition is an epistemological term which, in its use today, is mostly related to Immanuel Kant. With it, Kant first refers to the sensual- receptive part of knowledge (KrV B 33).

from: Rudolf Eisler

"All knowledge requires sensual perception, the outer or inner. Without intuition, our concepts are empty, they are purely formal thoughts without an object. Thinking delivers knowledge only by means of visual material, although it is "pure" concepts(categories) that arise independently of sensual perception in the mind."

Understanding, definition:

The concept of understanding is one of the basic concepts of modern philosophy. It cannot be traced back to other more well-known or higher-level terms and can not be defined without reference to itself (circular reasoning). Its understanding must therefore be gained from an explanatory term analysis (explication) and by determining the common use based on examples.

The concept of understanding denotes
  • the result (what is understanded) and
  • the process of understanding (the act of understanding).
Understanding always includes the relationship between a knowing subject and something known (object). Understanding can relate to a state of affairs as well as to a process. "

The essence of ASBRI: [↵]

ASBRI is an axiomatic scheme for understanding fundamental relationships in the area of development processes and for planning and carrying out pragmatic tasks.

The ASBRI Form:

The pragmatic design of ASBRI takes place in a file, which is generally called ASBRI -Form is designated.

Only those standardized by the W3C will be used Technologies HTML5 + CSS3 and those published by Ecma International, current version of JavaScript used.

This file is offered as a basis for individual applications, in particular
  • to recognize the current facts and the pending process ,
  • for the collection and structuring of the used and accruing data
  • and for the automated evaluation and output of recommendations for action.
The document-oriented database model from ASBRI is based on the model of the Representational State Transfer (abbreviated REST, rarely also ReST).

The storage of information on facts and circumstances Processes, objects, conditions, events or concepts are made in blocks of text, media containers and iframes.

The contents of different files can be temporarily stored in one File into a consistent, logically complementary content block be merged.

The expression generally used in ASBRI for a unit of information specified in blocks becomes very general "Object" or called "ASBRI object".

The HTML block element "div" and the inline element "span" used. Of the Term: "Element" means the representation of an object or ASBRI object in an HTML document.

An ASBRI form is a special HTML document. In addition to standard text fields, it contains a lot of small-format elements with a visible name. By Clicking on an element opens a reading window showing the shows the entire content of the element you clicked on. The content corresponds to the content of the ASBRI object.

The "id attribute" and the "class attribute" are used to identify the objects and their relationships with one another.

The term "Structure" is used in ASBRI as a superordinate data-technical organizational unit. A structure includes a number of objects and provides the framework for a content Entirety and its graphic representation.

A structure can be viewed as a higher-level object of a set of objects.

There are different types of structures and different ones Types of objects, each with corresponding class attributes Marked are.

The outer frame of a single structure or a Group of related structures forms a div element. These div element becomes Frame Object and contains the instructions about the type and design of the internal structure or a group of structures.

The representation of relationships between objects in the Most of them are designed as an HTML container Applying the CSS "display: grid" layout, with the application different grid properties the different types of structures produce.

The object types within a structure are Root Object and the Content Objects . All objects are HTML containers and are only direct child elements of the Frame Object and stand thus all on a single level. The order of the objects in the HTML document basically defines the logical, content-related order of the objects.

Usually, but not necessarily, is the first element within a structure is the Root Object. Every additional object is a Content Object and has an HTML class attribute that refers to the Root Object and thus its affiliation to this structure.
  • A structure can only contain one Root Object.
  • An object can only belong to one structure.
  • A structure can only belong to one structure type.
Logical, content-related hierarchies of superiors and subordinates are made by using certain class attributes, which are also used for a corresponding graphic design.

The construction of objects and structures using HTML and CSS components: [↵]

The identification of objects:

br + number results in the identification as ASBRI object as an HTML class attribute .
The letters: br must be used as the starting letter.
Contrary to the standard usage in the CSS environment, this class attribute must be free of duplicates.

i + identifier results in the HTML id attribute.
The id attribute must definitely be created in this way!

In this way, the id, like the identifier in the class list, is free of duplicates throughout the document and can therefore be used for unambiguous HTML references. The resulting double use of the identifier of an ASBRI object as id and class attribute increases the security of data management and simplifies processing with JavaScript.

The identification of structures:

Frame objects are div elements that form the outer frame of a single structure or a group of related structures. It contains the CSS instructions on the type and design of the internal structure or group of structures.

It is convenient to create the id of a frame object using the following method.
This means that the surrounding frame can be determined by having knowledge of the structure identifier.

iRn _... The identifier of the root object is used and preceded by "iRn_".
For the basic scheme, the id of the frame object is: 'iRn_GScha'.

RnObj    This class attribute generally identifies a frame object.

The following class attributes of the Frame Objects characterize the structure types:

frame for Processual Structures: BpStr, GScha, EpStk and ApStk

frame for Hierarchical Structures: BhStk, EhStk and AhStk

The identifier of the affiliation of an object to a certain structure:

The Root Object is the starting object for a structure.
It must not be deleted as long as content objects are present.
It is usually the first object in the list of objects in a structure.

RootObj is the distinction as a class attribute in its class list.

The Root Object has a class attribute for its assignment to a certain structure type:

Processual Structures:
BpStr Processual Basic Structure
   GScha an additional identifier for the Basic Scheme, which is a special Processual Basic Structure
EpStk Processual Supplementary Structure
ApStk Processual Analog Structure

Hierarchical Structures:
BhStk Hierarchical Basic Structure
EhSt Hierarchical Supplementary Structure
AhStk Hierarchical Analog Structure

All objects receive a corresponding class attribute as an identifier for belonging to a certain structure. This class attribute is different for each structure and is created as follows:

Stk _... It is used the identifier of the Root Objekt and preceded by a "Stk_".

Basic Object:

The object type is automatically determined by the affiliation of an object to a certain structure. Each object has a class attribute that determines the type of object. In principle, this identifier is redundant because the Root Object, to which every Content Object has a reference in the form of 'Stk _...', already contains this information. However, the redundancy simplifies handling using CSS and JavaScript.

BpObj    Basic Object in a processual Basic Structure:

A Basic Structure usually depicts a general scenario and is used as the starting point for a specific application. A Basic Structure does not depend on any other structure.

The objects are aligned with one another in a processual Basic Structure, in principle, line by line, whereby several lines can be used for sections of the Basic Structure.

With the standard use of the CSS "display: grid" layout, the positions on the rows and columns are automatically made by the browser.

Exact placements are made by specifying the CSS grid values.

cstart + (number of the column) defines the starting position of the object on the line as CSS attribute

cspan + (number of columns) defines the length of the object as CSS attribute

R + (number of the line) defines as CSS attribute on which line of the structure the object is

The height of the usually used div elements is defined by CSS declarations in general or for each structure separately or per object.

BhObj   Basic Object in a hierarchical Basic Structure: The alignment of the objects in a hierarchical Basic Sructure takes place exclusively with one another in a single front column.

he + (number of the sub-level) defines the sequence of hierarchy levels in a column as a CSS attribute. The number determines on which level the base object is placed and is visible by indenting.

The following CSS attributes offer graphic design options
ku + (number as a value for reducing the display length of an element)
lae + (number as a value for extending the display length of an element)
height + ( Number as a value for the special amount of an element)
with which certain meanings or the importance of an element can be emphasized.

One can compare a Basic Structure with a class in object-oriented programming.

Formatting with CSS:

General formatting is created in CSS stylesheets in the header. Special formatting for a single ASBRI object or a group of objects, for example an entire structure, must be defined in style tags. Inline styles definitions within ASBRI objects are not copied to another document.

A style tag requires an id in the following form so that it can be transferred to another document.

isty _... The identifier of the special object is used
and preceded by "isty_". For example:

<style id = "isty_br1600">
      # ibr1600 {height: 100px; width: 100px; background-color: # 99ff11!
      .Stk_br1600 {height: 10px; width: 100px; background-color: # 11ff11! important}

For each transferred object a possibly existing style-tag with the corresponding id will be transferred and used in the new document.

When copying a frame object with all the objects it contains, the style tags it contains are automatically transferred and used.

Supplementary and Analog Object:

Bez _... is the identifier in the class list of a Supplementary Object or Analog Object .
The identifier of the Reference Object is preceded by a "Bez_".

The objects of a particular Supplementary Structure or Analog Structure can only to reference objects of a single specific Reference Structure. Reference objects may not be deleted or moved to another structure as long as Supplementary or Analog Objects exist that refer to this Reference Object.

Supplementary Objects and Analog Objects contain certain characteristics, states and calculated values for special points of view related to the Reference Structure.

A Supplementary Structure contains a special scenario and, if necessary, enhancements to a general scenario shown in the Reference Structure.

A Supplementary Object always refers to a Reference Object that can be a Basic Object or a Supplementary Object of another structure, that is called a Reference Structure. Several Supplementary Objects of a Supplementary Structure can refer to one and the same Reference Object.

EpObj    Supplementary Object in a processual Supplementary Structure:

A processual Supplementary Structure is arranged on a line below the Reference Structure. A Supplementary Object comes to lie exactly below the corresponding Reference Object and has the same length as standard. This increases the vertical distance between sections of the Basic Structure that are distributed over several lines. The width of the representation of the Reference Structure is not changed.

If there are several Supplementary Objects per Reference Object, then all Supplementary Objects are arranged one below the other under the Reference Object. This also increases the vertical distance between sections of the Basic Structure. The sequence of the Supplementary Objects results from the sequence in the source text.

EhObj   Supplementary Object in a hierarchical Supplementary Structure:

Hierarchical Supplementary Structures are arranged in columns behind the front column with the Basic Structure. Each Supplement Structure has its own column. The order results from the sequence in the source text.

A Supplementary Object is placed on the same line as the corresponding Reference Object. If there are several Supplementary Objects per Reference Object in Supplementary Structures, then they are arranged one below the other in sparate lines. This increases the vertical distance between objects in the Basic Structure that follow one another. The sequence of the Supplementary Objects results from the sequence in the source text.

Supplementary Structures are arranged in front of any additional Analog Structures behind or below the Reference Structure.

One can compare a Supplement Structure with an inheritance of a class in object-oriented programming.

An Analog Structure contains a special configuration of the objects contained in the Reference Structure. As a rule, the information relates to a specific real situation that is defined in the Analog Structure.

ApObj    Analog Object in a processual Analog Structure:
AhObj    Analog Object in a hierarchical Analog Structure:

An Analog Object is assigned to a specific Reference Object, which can be a Supplementary Object or a Basic Object. Only a single Analog Object from an Analog Structure can be assigned to a specific Reference Object from a Reference Structure.

All other properties are analogous to those of a Supplementary Object.

You can compare an Analog Structure with an instance of a class in object-oriented programming.

The internal structure of objects and structures through HTML and CSS components: [↵]

In addition to the CSS attributes described above, each object can contain the following CSS attributes. Future applications can assume that this information is also available in unknown ASBRI forms and can take it into account accordingly:

data-symb = "..." Contains the identifier as a "symbol" of the ASBRI object, which is repeated in the class string.
data-unit = "..." Contains the unit of the ASBRI object in the event that the ASBRI object is assigned a dimension and scale for values.
data-benDe = "..." Contains the name of the object as a short description in German
data-benEn = "..." Contains the name of the object as a short description in English
data-zinfo = "..." Additional information as a short description
data-crit = "..." A content assessment criterion as part of the designation

contenteditable = "true" or = "false"    the HTML attribute for editable or not is set by JavaScript.

The object content can be structured as follows:

<div class = "title">    <h3> ...... </h3>
Contains a brief description of the object in the form of a sentence. If the existing HTML attribute "title" is empty or not specified, the content of this DIV is inserted as an HTML attribute with JavaScript and is thus displayed as a tooltip.
<div class = "ftxt"> this is the default div for content

Special div for objects of the basic schema

class = "gs1" Here a first div is required for a compact representation according to the following example:
<div class = "gs1"> [Ra] (a4) <br> the more abstract area: </div> <hr>

Special pre-formatted a-tags

class = "a1" is automatically inserted at the end of the text of each ASBRI object if the JavaScript instructions required for this are carried out and is used to jump back to the calling element and looks like this: [↵]

class = "a2" <a href="#iAv2" class="a2"> [Av2] </a> The tooltip of this class of links shows the beginning of the text of the jump target

class = "a2a"
class = "a2b"
<a href="#iAv2" class="a2 a2a"> [Av2] </a>
The letters behind the class a2 define additional classes for a2 and define special layouts for the left display.

Special relationships to other objects

ZuObj1 _... Additional object: The id of the additional object is preceded by "ZuObj1_". Its innerHtml is placed in front of the content of the calling object in the reading window.
ZuObj2 _... Additional object: The id of the additional object is preceded by "ZuObj2_". Its innerHtml is attached to the content of the calling object in the reading window.
ZuObj3 _... Additional object: The id of the additional object is preceded by "ZuObj3_". Its innerHtml is placed in front of the content of the calling object in its structure display and in the reading window.
ZuObj4 _... Additional object: The id of the additional object is preceded by "ZuObj4_". Its innerHtml is attached to the content of the calling object in its structure display and in the reading window.

Object content with special meanings

value00 ,
value01 ,
value03 etc.
ValueObject: Any number is appended to the class attribute "value". An object with this class attribute usually only contains one value that is used for calculations. The calculations are usually carried out using function runs that systematically determine and manipulate value objects.

In general, it is recommended to adhere to the ASBRI notation, here is a brief overview:

asbri + membership number results in the ASBRI membership number under which the member's directories can be found in networks and on the Internet
as + serial number results in the name of an ASBRI document,
which is by default an HTML document
br + number results in the identification of an ASBRI object in a document
i + identifier it is recommended to use this notation exclusively for the HTML id attribute

to Basic Scheme:

The content of the Basic Scheme: [↵]

The Basic Scheme, class = "GScha", is a special processual Basic Structure.

GScha is the identifier for the objects in the Basic Scheme.

The Basic Scheme contains introductory information and explanations for recognizing the fundamental relationships between ASBRI.

The Basic Scheme is represented by a CSS "display: grid" layout. This results in a table-like display, with the div elements used taking over the function of the table cells.

The schematic arrangement of the div elements or cells reflects the relationships between the most important aspects of the Basic Scheme vividly again.

If the div elements or cells are viewed as logic gates or symbols for sub-processes and the appropriate flow lines or arrows are added, then the Basic Scheme can be expanded to a flowchart. In this form, the Basic Scheme provides the basis for organizational or programming tasks.

The formal structure of the Basic Scheme: [↵]

The string "GScha" is used as a symbol for the basic schema and as a class name or as an HTML class attribute in the class list of each div element in the Basic Scheme is included at the top child level.

The Basic Scheme shows the fundamental relationships in the area of development processes in the form of a special table.

In the Basic Scheme, the cells of a row represent a logical sequence of characteristics of the individual phases of a process-related partial aspect of the Basic Scheme. The sequence is based on the successive phases in a development process.

There are no completely continuous columns that could represent a phase, because the cells in certain rows are offset from the cells in other rows, creating an overlap. This arrangement causes the pragmatic and correct mapping of the phase transitions as an essential part of the Basic Scheme.

However, there is a clear assignment of the individual cells to a phase, with some cells being assigned to several phases.

The cells of a certain phase, which is represented by a kind of column, can thus be determined using the predefined, unambiguous assignment rules and the use of JavaScript and are thus available for further arithmetic operations.

Basic information on handling the Basic Scheme: [↵]

There are different methods with which an actor incorporates the Basic Scheme into his actions. The methods are based on the specific task in which the Basic Scheme is integrated. The essential, different tasks can be derived from the three Realms of Reality.

In the [Ra] The More Abstract Realm
the actor has to deal with new situations and tasks and [Ge1] determine the given circumstance.
A suitable Basic Scheme is usually not available and has yet to be created.
As a first step, general Basic Schemes for the expected task can be used as a template. The Basic Structure of the basic pattern is modified and special observations and experiences are added in Supplementary Structures. A calendar or a notebook are examples of this.

At the start of a development process, the Basic Scheme forms the framework for the preparation of fundamental relationships. In the Process Function [Av2] Give Instruction, the aspects of understanding and sorting are in the foreground. Using the Basic Scheme, scenarios are developed and overviews are made. Supplementary Structures are used.
A class register is a simple example. In the process function [Va3] Select procedure the Basic Scheme that is binding for the development process is largely completed. Assessments and decisions are added.

In the [Ru] Transitional Realm
an existing Basic Scheme forms the basis for the further procedure. Exact, realistic information is determined as Analog Structures and extends the Basic Scheme. In the Process Function [Me4] Use Resources the focus is on design and implementation. The actor orients himself to the specifications of the Basic Scheme in his actions.
From this process function onwards, the Basic Scheme is no longer modified in principle. The changes made to stocks and records for actions are entered in Analog Structures. In [Re5] Effecting Reality Change unsystematically recognizable results are noted.

In the [Rr] The More Real Realm
the Process Function [Kd6] carry out control measurement analysis and measurement processes are in the foreground. The actor enters the concrete, measurable results of the change process that has taken place in the Analog Structures specified for this purpose. With [Ek7] Communicate Outcome the data is processed and displayed.
The Basic Scheme is the sole source for the preparation of the initial parameters by the actor.

This compilation shows that the use of the Basic Scheme is linked to the implementation of a specific development process. If this requirement is not met, then the application of the Basic Scheme is largely useless.

Creating a Basic Scheme to prepare for a future development process is usually only useful in connection with an ongoing development process.
By looking at the ongoing development process from a distance, analogies and generalizations can be recognized and assigned to the corresponding Process and Basic Functions. The Basic Schemes created in this way can form the basis for the systematization and automation of similar development processes. Theoretical representations of [S02a] natural laws and general knowledge and [S05a] knowledge are also conceivable.

[Fz4] (a35) Comments


This is the right place for individual comments of any kind.

[Autor1] Legal information

own heading
own text

[Z2] Title of the document

own heading
own text

[Rb] The Realms of Reality:

own heading
own text

[Ra] The More Abstract Realm:

own heading
own text

[Ru] The Transitional Realm:

own heading
own text

[Rr] The More Real Realm:

own heading
own text

[Bf] Extended Basic Function

own heading
own text

[D] Directive

own heading
own text

[A] Abstraction

own heading
own text

[S] Source

own heading
own text

[I] Interaction

own heading
own text

[B] Bond

own heading
own text

[R] Reality

own heading
own text

[E] External

own heading
own text

[Pf] Process Functions:

own heading
own text

[Ge1] Determine the Given Circumstance

own heading
own text

[Av2] Give Instruction

own heading
own text

[Va3] Select Procedure

own heading
own text

[Me4] Use Resources

own heading
own text

[Re5] Effecting Reality Change

own heading
own text

[Kd6] Perform Control Measurement

own heading
own text

[Ek7] Communicate Outcome

own heading
own text

[BSu] Bond Strand

own heading
own text

[B00u] Starting Conditions

own heading
own text

[B03u] Follow Purpose

own heading
own text

[B06u] Decide Action

own heading
own text

[B09u] Trigger the Use of Resources

own heading
own text

[B12u] Counteract Interference, External Influence

own heading
own text

[B15u] Measure Result

own heading
own text

[B17u] End Conditions

own heading
own text

[BSr] Bond Strand: Desired Reality

own heading
own text

[B00r] Real Parts of Starting Conditions

own heading
own text

[B03r] Situation

own heading
own text

[B06r] Subset

own heading
own text

[B09r] Characteristic

own heading
own text

[B12r] Dimension

own heading
own text

[B15r] Peculiarity

own heading
own text

[B17r] Real Parts of End Conditions

own heading
own text

[BSa] Bond Strand: Available Mapping:

own heading
own text

[B00a] Abstract Parts of Starting Conditions

own heading
own text

[B03a] Scenario

own heading
own text

[B06a] Sample

own heading
own text

[B09a] Indicator

own heading
own text

[B12a] Scale

own heading
own text

[B15a] Value

own heading
own text

[B17a] Abstract Parts of End Conditions

own heading
own text

[PSu] Process Strand

own heading
own text

[P00u] Input Variable

own heading
own text

[P01u] Feedback Variable, Occasion

own heading
own text

[P04u] Target Definition, Control Difference

own heading
own text

[P07u] Specify the Use of Resources

own heading
own text

[P10u] Realise Use of Resources

own heading
own text

[P13u] Affected Reality

own heading
own text

[P16u] New Reality

own heading
own text

[P17u] Output Variable

own heading
own text

[PSr] Process Strand: Desired Reality

own heading
own text

[P00r] Perceptible Pressure

own heading
own text

[P01r] Foreseeable Need for Action

own heading
own text

[P04r] Correct Solution Approach

own heading
own text

[P07r] Efficient Procedure

own heading
own text

[P10r] Effective Impact

own heading
own text

[P13r] Consistent Implementation

own heading
own text

[P16r] Sustainable State

own heading
own text

[P17r] Effective Discharge

own heading
own text

[PSa] Process Strand: Available Mapping:

own heading
own text

[P00a] Concrete Message

own heading
own text

[P01a] Applicable Problem Analysis

own heading
own text

[P04a] Strategic Plan (what)

own heading
own text

[P07a] Tactical Plan (how)

own heading
own text

[P10a] Implemented Catalog of Measures

own heading
own text

[P13] Recognizable Effects

own heading
own text

[P16a] Decreasing Focus

own heading
own text

[P17a] Liberating Distribution

own heading
own text

[SSu] Source Strand

own heading
own text

[S00u] Starting Requirements

own heading
own text

[S02u] Wisdom, Life Experience (authentic)

own heading
own text

[S05u] Knowledge of Problem Solutions

own heading
own text

[S08u] Real Available Options

own heading
own text

[S11u] Current Reality, Reference Variable

own heading
own text

[S14u] Accessible Measuring Range

own heading
own text

[S17u] Final Findings

own heading
own text

[SSr] Source Strand: Desired Reality

own heading
own text

[S00r] Real Parts of Starting Requirements

own heading
own text

[S02r] Totality (complete)

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[S05r] Alternative (adequate)

own heading
own text
[S08r] Feature (concise)

own heading
own text

[S11r] Difference (significant)

own heading
own text

[S14r] State (unambiguous)

own heading
own text

[S17r] Real Parts of Final Findings

own heading
own text

[SSa] Source Strand: Available Mapping

own heading
own text

[S00a] Abstract Parts of Starting Requirements

own heading
own text

[S02a] Laws of Nature, General Knowledge

own heading
own text

[S05a] Knowledge (sound)

own heading
own text

[S08a] Information (relevant)

own heading
own text

[S11a] Data Collection (consistent)

own heading
own text

[S14a] Signal Sequence (selective)

own heading
own text

[S17a] Abstract Parts of Final Findings

own heading
own text

[Fz1] Merging several ASBRI Forms

own heading
own text

[Fz2] Display options and JavaScript functions

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[Fz3] Definitions and Guidance for the ASBRI Form

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[Fz4] Comments

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 ASBRI® Form 
Impressum  Brinner GmbH  Zimmern 65  D-91788 Pappenheim  Tel.: 0170 – 7506418
GF: Dipl.-Phys. Andreas Brinner   HR 91522 Ansbach  HRB 6227  Ust-Id Nr: DE147810488